WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Barbara Anderson
Date:  February 8, 2013

Topic category:  News

Illegal Aliens Already Have a Country: Mexico

Obama is getting ready for a big push on illegal immigration. The only problem is that those illegal aliens already have a country of their own, and it's NOT America.

Obama is getting ready for a big push on illegal immigration. The only problem is that those illegal aliens already have a country of their own, and it's NOT America.

There are 23-million (estimated) people out of work in this country. Those millions of jobless people need work, and yet Obama says we want to give illegals the right to work, forgetting about those who need food, clothing and everything that comes with a salary. In addition, nearly 3,000 illegal immigrants made $91.6 million in fraudulent claims for Medicare services from 2009-2011. For America's legal citizens, Medicare funding is already under attack by the government who claims it is going bankrupt. Your Medicare and mine may not be there when we need it, because according to Obama, Medicare is to be given to illegal aliens.

The Dream Act is now working against America's legal resident citizens. The dirty little secret is that those illegals we give tuition breaks, takes away from those who are American citizens. It never ends there. Many legal students will have to compete with illegals. That should never be. America isn't a country was meant to allow just anybody to immigrate, even though some would like to bring them all in. As the illegals become more accustomed to being able to live here legally, they will become more pushy. If they haven't already, their mothers and sisters and fathers and brothers will demand to have ALL their family members brought in too. A chain reaction is sure to come.

The border is basically wide open. More are pouring in every day. No mention is made of this fact. The cartels have access to the interior. Nobody knows how many illegals are in our country. Nobody cares, from Obama, to Eric Holder, to Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security. Ask Arizona about the border. Janet Napolitano stands in the way of enforcement. Napolitano claims the border is secure, and will not move to demand enforcement. How can we make an assessment on such flimsy information?

Illegals are not the 'cream of the crop'. We should be allowed to turn down those who can't read and speak the language. Most of those here are ill-educated and have little or no English language skills. How long does it take to learn English? The poorly educated won't be capable of learning English quickly, especially since their school dropout rate is about 50 percent. Do we want so many jobless, struggling, and poorly educated people in our country? The names encouraging the legalization of the illegals are primarily from the North. They are interested in illegals because they hope to gain votes. Let me tell you, no amount of pandering to illegals will bring them votes. How long will it take for them to begin to vote Republican? When given the long list of government gimmies provided by the Democrats, it will take a long time to turn them around. The democrats are salivating, anticipating the vote. Republicans, those pushing illegal immigration, Senators Rubio, Senator John McCain, and Senator Lindsey Graham, are already on board to legalize the illegals.

For the Democrats are Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Bob Mendenez. Senator Menendez is under investigation having to do with under the age of sixteen in prostitution. Michelle Malkin reports: "The women, who accused Menendez of stiffing them out of their pay, said they feared retaliation, because they 'know the kind of people (we're) dealing with'". The senators mentioned here are far left partisans, and I can't believe that there are other senators who will want to have anything to do with them.

I'm especially disappointed with Senator Rubio, who has been hailed as presidential timber. If he continues on his pro-illegal path for his party, his reputation will evaporate. When people realize how massive the number of illegals are, taking the jobs they need, they will turn against him. They will realize that Senator Rubio has made his choice, amnesty and that their needs should come before legal people.

The IRS has just claimed that each and every family will eventually be assessed $20,000 per year for Obamacare. Who will pay that? Not illegals, I am betting. As usual, the American taxpayer will pay their own assessment and pick up the cost for the illegals. Each and every family will be hard pressed to pay what the IRS has predicted the Obama's health care will eventually cost.

Without much media notice, Obama has required budget reductions, undoing the massive employee increases of the past ten years. Over 24,500 jobs in Homeland Security are to be eliminated. No wonder they need all those guns and hollow point bullets.
This isn't a parlor game. It's not a vague optimism. This involves real honest-to-goodness people. The president in 1986 signed the Simpson-Mazzoli bill. It was to provide for amnesty. The most recent vote has denied our right to vote. The people, as usual, are not getting to vote or have any say in the matter. This push to vote means that many more illegals have since poured in, so voting again will probably bring even more. We the people should have a vote before Congress is stampeded into a serious mistake.

Let's remember, twenty-two million people want to work, to eat and clothe their families, and need to earn a salary. Taking away the livelihoods from American workers, leaving fewer jobs and opportunities, will continue the suffering. Is it worth it?

How does the average voter feel about amnesty?

The Center for Immigration Studies says a 52% majority voted to send the illegals home, only 33% are in favor of illegals gaining legal status.

What does the president of Mexico think about amnesty? Not much has been said, but what he has said he thinks it's fine. And, why wouldn't he? In 2009 Mexican workers here in America, many of whom are illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 Billion to Mexico. Mexico got rid of many of their non-productive jobless people and gained a $21.2 Billion income which was sent to Mexico from America. Definitely, a win-win for Mexico.

Illegal aliens already have a country...Mexico.

Barbara Anderson

Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

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