WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Viv Forbes
Date:  April 30, 2015

Topic category:  Climate/Climate Change/Weather

The Bogus Temperature Scare

The human-caused climate change hoax is really all about taking power from the people and concentrating it in the hands of a self-appointed elitist class who know all about telling others how to live their life and nothing about real science. It is a sick and baseless ruse.

There are people who want us to:

Their real aim is to end national sovereignty and individual property rights.

What global crisis could justify this global revolution? It is all based on scary climate forecasts produced by computer models which assume that the key driver of future world temperature is man’s production of carbon dioxide.

But what really determines tomorrow’s temperature anywhere on Earth?

The sun is the primary controller of surface temperature. So the first question is “Where is the sun tomorrow?” This depends on location, season and time – is it mid-day, mid-summer on the equator, or just before dawn, in mid-winter at the pole? Or somewhere in between?

Secondly, are we in the centre of a continental desert, with temperature extremes, or near an ocean, where extremes are moderated?

Thirdly, is there a warm wind coming from the tropics or a frigid wind coming from the poles?

Fourthly, what cloud cover is affecting incoming radiation from the sun, and outgoing radiation from Earth?

Finally, what trends can we expect from solar system cycles and the related ocean oscillations or from volcanic dust?

Notice one thing – not one of these powerful temperature controllers depends on the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is not reported by meteorologists on the nightly news, is not charted by private long term weather forecasters, and normal weather stations don’t even bother recording it. Moreover, every computerised climate model using carbon dioxide as its key driver has failed.

Maybe there is a message here – the whole climate scare based on carbon dioxide is bogus.

We must stop sacrificing humanity on the greedy green altar of Gaia.

Viv Forbes
The Carbon Sense Coalition (Chairman)

Biography - Viv Forbes

Mr. Forbes is Chairman of The Carbon Sense Coalition.

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