WEBCommentary Guest

Author: J. J. Jackson
Date:  October 21, 2007

Topic category:  Other/General

Infallible Human Shields Blown Up By Reality

Today’s modern liberals with their progressive, socialist theories have a long history of propping up what they arbitrarily determine to be infallible human shields in order to block criticism of their ideas which, when examined, are not very sound or rooted in anything other than touchy-feely do-gooderism. It is the most ineffectual way to argue your point but goes along with the basis of liberal philosophy which boils down to, “that’s the way it is because I say so.” The actually authority or correctness of whatever “I” they trot out before the public to defend their ideas however doesn’t matter.

Today’s modern liberals with their progressive, socialist theories have a long history of propping up what they arbitrarily determine to be infallible human shields in order to block criticism of their ideas which, when examined, are not very sound or rooted in anything other than touchy-feely do-gooderism. It is the most ineffectual way to argue your point but goes along with the basis of liberal philosophy which boils down to, “that’s the way it is because I say so.” The actually authority or correctness of whatever “I” they trot out before the public to defend their ideas however doesn’t matter.

From John Kerry to Cindy Sheehan to the poor Frost family, the parade of human shields sacrificed on the alter of liberalism continues. Because the left knows that when they and their ideas are questioned they can always win a few sympathy points from those who don’t want to be considered “mean spirited”. And we all know that such a claim will be hurled at anyone that dares to even question the infallibility of whatever face they place before America.

Despite being a cowardly tactic, it is intellectually dishonest because it doesn’t actually address the substance of any issue. But like I said before, it is always good for a few political points when this tactic is employed. The blueprint is simple.

Step 1: Determine what area of our lives requires their benevolent guidance.

Step 2: Propose a new program or policy to implement their desire regardless of its Constitutionality, legality or correctness.

Step 3: Hunt far and wide to find a poster child for this program or policy with some sort of “credential” that is supposed to make him or her “infallible”. Usually this circles around some sort of personal tragedy, suffering or experience.

Step 4: Trot this person out before the nation to make their case and shield themselves.

Step 5: Get ready to call anyone that dares to criticize their program or policy and, by default, their newly found human shield “mean spirited”, “cruel” or “a vicious right wing hate monger” when the inevitable examination of their mile wide, but inch deep ideas occurs.

Step 6: If their first human shield gets blown up then wash, rinse repeat.

This strategy has been going on for years.

During the Vietnam War the left trotted out John Kerry and a cadre of “phony soldiers” (there, I said it so will I now get a nasty letter from Harry Reid too?) to talk about “phony” war crimes and atrocities in order to get troops out of South Vietnam as fast as possible. And why? Simple. It was all because they didn’t like the United States standing up to the expanding North Vietnamese communist state. Expansion, might I add, that was being done at the end of a gun and which resulted in millions fleeing when the communists finally pushed their way in.

When you dare, even to this day, to point out that many of these “soldiers” lied about even being in Vietnam, much less the military, or exactly what they did while in Vietnam if they actually did serve, it is you that is the one that is attacked. When John Kerry’s fellow soldiers who were with him stood up and told different accounts of his actions they were the ones lambasted by the left because these other soldiers were shedding light on exactly how shallow their claims of Mr. Kerry as a “war hero” (for anyone other than the North Vietnamese) really were.

When Max Cleland was trotted out to try and bolster a sagging Kerry’s campaign in 2004 if you dared discuss his politics you were shredded by the left wing smear merchants for daring to look past the fact that he is a triple amputee and Vietnam vet. Don’t you know that Mr. Kerry and Mr. Cleland were “infallible” because they served in Vietnam? How dare you look beyond that.

But then by the same token, why weren’t the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth afforded the same “infallibility” by the left? Oh … yeah … that’s right, those soldiers don’t support their philosophy. Plus hey were actually speaking the truth. Off with their heads!

Amazing how one soldier is granted carte blanche “infallibility” while others are not eh?

When liberals claim to support the troops but don’t vote for the candidates most favored by most of the troops (usually Republican candidates) it’s because they have convinced themselves that the few soldiers they scrounge up who don’t support the war in Iraq speak for the tens of thousands of soldiers who continually sign up for duty and re-up when their contracts expire. The truth doesn’t matter. Only the “infallibility” of their chosen ones. No, don’t look at those “facts”. Look only at the few soldiers they tell you to who are, not surprisingly, supportive of their ideology.

Even when their human shields are blown up by reality, they carry on quickly looking for some fresh meat to place between any light of reason and their philosophies like the cowards they are. After all, liberals don’t like to take fire directly.

When Cindy Sheehan comes out and uses her son’s memory to support her liberal, anti-liberty, pro-Middle Eastern women should suffer under brutal tyrants agenda she is “infallible” as well. It doesn’t matter that when you look past the fact that her opinions are only bolstered by her own grief and ideology you quickly discover that her son served in the military because he knew what was going on and believed in the cause. No. It doesn’t matter. Don’t kid yourself. You’re just “mean” to point it out. Don’t you know it’s all about Cindy? Don’t you know it’s all about liberal ideology?

And now we have poor little Graeme Frost. Aw. He’s the latest human shield of the left.

He is trotted out to show the suffering of “the children” because the government is not “doing enough” to provide for them and expanding the SCHIP program. And when someone like Michelle Malkin or Rush Limbaugh dares to point out how this family has made several choices which include owning several pretty expensive cars and finding enough money to send their children to private schools and questions if they would be the best choice for the face of the latest socialist plans by the left the “you’re just mean” slurs begin in earnest. They have to. Because when you ask a simple question like, say oh I don’t know, “Where in the Constitution is Congress authorized to tax the American citizens for providing health insurance to anyone?” their shallow desires have no justification and their house of cards collapses.

Like I quipped the other week, it’s like Captain Barbosa is at the helm of the USS Liberal shouting to the masses, “the Constitution is more like just a ‘guideline’ anyway! ARRRRRRR!”. Yeah … forget that “Supreme Law of the Land” nonsense. It just gets in the way of a good story. Look at this person instead. Feel sorry for them. Then give the left the power to solve the problem.

When you bring up the facts something has to give and usually with liberals it certainly is not the facts. This is what happens when the left’s infallible human shields meet square up with reality. And it happens almost every time. Perish the though!

That is when their official list of names comes out. From the outright silly like “fascist” (although how you can call someone that believes in limited government such is beyond reason) to the utterly absurd like “hate monger”, they have names for every occasion to help shield their shields who they want us all to believe simply can’t make it in the cruel, cruel world without our government enforced help.

Of course, what do I know about hardship right? After all I’m just a liberty loving American who was in a car accident and hit from behind by a careless driver seven years ago and given a serious back injury that, while better today, still causes me to have severe limitations at times, ran out of medical coverage after only a couple months of treatment and was awarded a whole whopping $1,000 in compensation but still somehow gets up for work every damn morning to go to work while my wife also gets up and does the same. And then at night, in order to provide a better life for my wife and daughter I work on growing my own business for hours on end. Yeah, what do I know about pain, suffering, sacrifice and hard work right?

But somehow I don’t think the liberals will be trotting me out as an example any time soon. I certainly don’t fit their mold of a “victim” who has to be helped with enforced charity. Nope. I’m just a cruel, evil, vicious right winger who doesn’t understand. The truth be damned.

J. J. Jackson

Biography - J. J. Jackson

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the Pittsburgh Conservative Examiner for Examiner.com. He is also the owner of The Right Things - Conservative T-shirts & Gifts http://www.cafepress.com/rightthings. His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at http://www.libertyreborn.com

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