WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Lloyd Marcus
Date:  February 2, 2012

Topic category:  Election Fraud

Black Conservative At Newt Party: Where Are the Black People?

I attended Newt Gingrich's party at the Rosen Centre in Orlando last night. As I surveyed the ballroom, I noticed I was one of only about ten blacks in attendance out of the hundreds at the party. Frustrated, I thought, “Where are the black people? And why have they not embraced our conservative message which I know in my heart is best for all Americans?”

I attended Newt Gingrich's party at the Rosen Centre in Orlando last night. Over a hundred media outlets were there. Despite not winning Florida, the mood of Gingrich supporters was extremely upbeat; waving signs, “46 States To Go!” Gingrich's speech was awesome! He talked about overturning Obama's policies to which the crowd was elated. He did not mention Romney at all.

I never do this. However, as I surveyed the ballroom, I noticed I was one of only about ten blacks in attendance out of the hundreds at the party. Frustrated, I thought, “Where are the black people? And why have they not embraced our conservative message which I know in my heart is best for all Americans?”

Years of Liberalism and Obama's presidency has been devastating to the black community. http://securetheserights.net/?p=643

And yet, like zombies, blacks blindly continue to vote for “the problem” which is Liberalism intrenched in the Democratic Party rather than “the solution” which is Conservatism.

While I do not blame Conservatives for the lack of black faces at our events, I do feel Conservatives have a moral obligation to “spend some money” pursuing/educating blacks; break the false paradigm that the “democrats are their friends”.

In candid moments, some Conservatives say, “Why bother? Blacks are going to vote democrat...period. And besides, blacks are only 12% of the population.”

As I stated, we Conservatives have a moral obligation to liberate our fellow Americans who are black from the slavery of years of failed liberal democrat policies. It is simply the right thing to do.

Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus

Biography - Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd MarcusLloyd Marcus, is a Proud Unhyphenated American.

Lloyd's childhood began in a Baltimore ghetto. He grew to manhood in the 1960s. He is an artist, singer, production designer and musical producer, all professions frequently inhabited by leftists. Even his hairstyle – his hair is long and usually woven into a tight ponytail – bespeaks avant-garde. He is outgoing with an infectious laugh. He has become a major Deltona civic leader. His songs and artwork have uplifting, often patriotic, themes. And, as his work on Republican campaigns shows, his politics lean toward the right.

For more, visit Lloyd's website at http://www.lloydmarcus.com/.

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