WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Gerald V. Todd
Date:  February 4, 2013

Topic category:  International Affairs/Foreign Policy

Traitor Senators or just keeping a balance of Egyptian power?
Want to keep helping the Muslim Brotherhood? My CA Jewish (sort of) Senators do.

What system of law has resulted in every single country from which we removed inconvenient dictators using American blood, treasure and technology? Inconvenient dictators – all Muslim rulers are dictators. The inconvenient ones had the temerity to trade with Israel and somewhat tolerate Christians and Jews in their countries.

Was the result of our intrusion a democratic society with freedom of the press and religion? A model based on the freedoms and cautions expressed in the Declaration of Independence which gives the Constitution meaning (and why people have historically risked life and limb to become part of)?

Nope, none of the above. The answer is Sharia! Sharia is a theocratic legal system inextricably tied to the Qur’an which also features the religion of Islam exclusively. This is what our efforts of insane energy, environmental and foreign policies have produced. The Islamic claim of the USA being the Great Satan suddenly has meaning – by completing both sides of the Culture of Death. Aborting ourselves out of existence in a pornographic society and now putting the death loving terrorists into world power (They do blow themselves up, don’t they?).

Young people have to know it has long been a “progressive” goal to destroy this Constitutional republic in favor of a one world government ruling over what’s left of human population when they get through laying waste. In the process, they’re getting far more than they bargained for because they have no concept of spiritual warfare. Like the Bank of England financing both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, the USA has been nudged into financing both sides of the War for Death at the cost of untold numbers of lives, born and unborn and the destruction of mankind’s greatest hope.

Every move Obama has made leads him toward the coveted role of Supreme Caliph, ruling under Sharia. All the manufactured crises from gun control to gay marriage are smoke screens to keep the 5th Column occupied while Dhimmitude sets in. That already started with Obamacare and polygamous Muslims hiding their marriages under kinships to be able to collect welfare for each.

There is an answer and a solution, but you won’t find it in George Soros, Barack Obama or your loony politically correct professors. And Diane Feinstein would better serve the United States by disarming members of CAIR than members of the American public. “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves…” God did give us free wills. What fruit are we bearing with them?

Gerald V. Todd

Biography - Gerald V. Todd

Jerry is a retired engineer with strong experience in environmental innovation which he still applies today with 2 clean water and energy saving technologies. His life avocation in writing and study of philosophical and biblical themes as they apply to the body politic's spiritual warfare. He survived stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2006; now in excellent health. A graduate of the University of Illinois (1958, Industrial Engineering), Jerry had post graduate studies at both the University of San Francisco and the University of Santa Clara in California between 1961 and 1963 (Logic, Marketing). As co Founder and seminar presenter he was awarded a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Valley Christian University operating under California private-post secondary statutes for mid career student, VCU was the pioneer external degree school for mid career students. Its course structures were picked up by several well known Christian colleges. Hosted local broadcast radio and TV shows, "Religion on the Line" and "The News Firm" (jointly with wife, Joanne), respectively. Jerry has published several books that are available at Amazon. Jerry is available to speak as a visiting lecturer at the high school, college or community organization level. Jerry is married 55 years to Joanne Dean Todd – 3 children, 8 grandchildren.

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