WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Bruce Walker
Date:  January 31, 2006

Topic category:  Other/General

Forgotten History: Christians and the Holocaust

As much of the world forms into a lynch mob intent on murdering Jews, Christians, and on destroying Israel and America – an ominous trend described in my new book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie – it is vital for Jews and Christians, and for Israel and America to remember forgotten history.

As much of the world forms into a lynch mob intent on murdering Jews, Christians, and on destroying Israel and America –  an ominous trend described in my new book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie – it is vital for Jews and Christians, and for Israel and America to remember forgotten history.  Much vital history has been dropped by Sinisterists into the memory hole, keeping people from knowing the necessary history to make sense from of an increasingly senseless world. 

One salient example is the critically important fact that Christians bravely and vigorously fought Nazism.  At one time, everyone knew this.  John Heinberg in 1937 textbook, Comparative European Governments, informed college students that the first mass organized opposition group to the Nazis when the Nazis gained power, the Pastors Emergency Committee, doubled its membership when the Nazis tried to keep Jews out of churches.  Ernest Hambloch in his 1939 book, Germany Rampant, wrote “It is not mere accidence that an anti-Christian movement should have coincided with brutal anti-Jewish persecution…Not by the most ingenious sophisms could persecution be justified by Christian tenets and the Nazis have not attempted it.” The same year, Ronald Kain stated in his textbook, Europe: Versailles to Warsaw: “The Nazi treatment of Jews seemed to devout Protestants and Christians to be downright unchristian.” 

Mower, in his 1938 book, Germany Puts Back the Clock, describes how freedom was crushed by intimidation and bribery throughout Germany, noting:  “All freedom of all sort disappeared.  Nowhere was any resistance, except in the religious field.”  Dorothy Thompson, the most famous female journalist in the world at the time, wrote the same year:  “In Germany members of every previous political credo have thrown their lot with the Nazis without any serious inner struggle.  But the Christian Church, and with it millions of Christians, maintains an obduracy within neither terror nor self-interest nor offers of superficial compromise have been able to break.” Salwyn Schapiro, a prominent Jewish history wrote in 1940 textbook, Modern and Contemporary European History:  “In their ruthless coordination the Nazis encountered only one opposition, that of the Protestant and Catholic clergymen who bravely upheld their principles despite persecution.” 

Christians opposed Nazis; Nazis hated Christians.  Stephen Roberts wrote in his 1937 book, The House That Hitler Built:  “Almost from the beginning, National Socialism found itself at variance with the churches.” Henrik van Loon, in his 1938, Our Battle, intended to be a Christian response to Mein Kampf, wrote:  “He [Hitler] denounced the Sermon on the Mound as maudlin ravings of an itinerant Jewish carpenter.”  One year later, Pierre van Paassen observed in Days of Our Lives:  “Germany is much farther down the road to dechristianization than the Soviet Union.” M.W. Fodor, one year after that in his book, The Revolution is On!, recorded:  National Socialism also revived the persecution of churches, surpassing all other revolutions in its anti-clerical attitude … In Germany not only Christians but also Christianity itself is persecuted.”  Joseph Harsch in his 1941, Patterns of Conquest, wrote: “Nazism is profoundly anti-Christian and profoundly hostile to a civilization based upon Christianity.” The same year Albert Parry in his book, Riddle of the Reich, observed that the Nazis have prevented every single Papal letter for the prior three years from being read by any Catholic bishop in Germany.

These were not obscure books.  Days of Our Lives was the number one bestseller non-fiction book in 1939.  Henrick van Loon was the best selling non-fiction writer of the 1930s.  The journalist Dorothy Thompson at the time was considered more influential than Eleanor Roosevelt.  Heinberg and Kain were writing college textbooks.  What these men and women wrote, the whole Western world knew.  It was no secret and it was not questioned.  And those authors are only a few of many writers who reported blow by blow the Nazis battle between Christians and the Third Reich as it happened - between Christians with their conscience, their bodies, their voices and Nazis with their concentration camps, their show trials of clergymen, and their raping of nuns. 

Why would this crucial history be thoroughly ignored by the propaganda organs of Sinisterist dishonesty?  Because the substitution of truth of Christian opposition to Nazis with myth of Christian indifference to Nazism, encourages Jews to mistrust Christians and, in time, that mistrust to become reciprocal. Sinisterism – the Left in all its forms – hates all who stand for any truth, especially Christians and Jews, and it vents its hatred by the lies of omission, like pretending Christians caused HaShoah. 

Bruce Walker

Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenÕs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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