WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Bruce Walker
Date:  April 4, 2006

Topic category:  Other/General

What to do about McKinney

There is a very simple answer to the dishonest and criminal antics of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and it is emphatically not to seek to convict her of any crime. Instead President Bush should exercise his constitutional power to pardon Cynthia McKinney.

There is a very simple answer to the dishonest and criminal antics of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and it is emphatically not to seek to convict her of any crime.  Instead  President Bush should exercise his constitutional power to pardon Cynthia McKinney.  Then Republicans should introduce, debate and bring to a vote as quickly as possible a motion to censure her behavior as conduct unbecoming a member of the House of Representatives.

Three points should be the focus of this censure motion.  First, McKinney attempted to circumvent the very security measures intended to make all of us safe at the cost of some personal inconvenience; she mocked what each of us endures every day as part of our sacrifice to make us safe.  Second, McKinney then assaulted on of our heroes in uniform who place their lives on the line to make us safe.  Third, McKinney lied to the America people, the very thing that Democrats have been whining about President Bush doing for the last three years. 

Why censure?  Because the censure of a member of Congress by the members of the house of Congress in which he serves is not just a right but a duty of that house of Congress. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing that Democrats could do to prevent a roll call vote on a censure of Congresswoman McKinney.  Indeed, given the simplicity of the case, there is almost no reason why the vote should take place soon.   

Democrats who grumble and abstain from voting on a censure motion on the specious ground that the restraint used against McKinney was racially motivated or excessive, will look untrustworthy with power – particularly in matters of national security and support for the front line men in uniform on our war on terrorism – will speak volumes.

This untrustworthiness with power will be all the more telling because it ties directly into those three issues which promise to be issues of national interest.  Do we want to be safe?  Are we willing to put up with the inconvenience of ordinary Americans, obviously not terrorists, searched at airports, or do House Democrats and Ms. McKinney believe the Capital policeman should have winked at her and let her pass?  So they believe that only swarthy Semitic people should be stopped by the Capital Police?

Do we support those who put on a uniform to protect us from evil, or do Ms. McKinney and House Democrats just say that and not mean it?  Finally, when Democrats have raised the creditability of President Bush as their platform, doesn’t it matter that Ms. McKinney is a blatant liar?

 What would be the House vote on the censure motion? If the censure motion passes by a 310 to 125 vote, then it will still be a black eye for House Democrats in the eyes of moderate Americans, and it will still shift attention back to the misconduct of Democrats before the 2006 elections, but it will also disgust and demoralize the Jacobins within the Democrat Party, who actually believe the absurd rhetoric of the far Left.

While House Republicans are at it, they should introduce as a test motion the same day something like this:  “Resolved, that the President of the United States should be censured by the House of Representatives for allowing or military in time of war to listen into the phone conversations of our enemies without obtaining a court order.”  House Democrats do not want to talk about this issue, because they know it is a loser:  Americans want President Bush using every non-violent tool he can against those who dream of murdering our children.   Senate Democrats could can bottle this up through filibuster, but House Democrats can be compelled to vote on this censure motion by House Republicans.  The sponsors of the motion should accept no amendments or caveats, but demand a “put up or shut up” roll call vote.

Vote on both censures resolutions the same day.  The vote to censure President Bush would not get much more than one quarter of the votes in the House, while the vote to censure Congresswoman McKinney would win with probably three quarters of the House voting to censure. 

The Democrat Party would be fractured on both censure resolutions, while the Republican Party would be almost completely united on both censure issues. This would be what the mainstream press calls a “bad news day.”  Then move to censure Senator Feingold for endangering our troops in time of war against evil, and let Democrats filibuster. 

Bruce Walker

Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenÕs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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