WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Bruce Walker
Date:  April 21, 2006

Topic category:  Other/General

Ending HaShoah in Asia

The holocausts of modern history are almost too horrific to remember, but we must. Although Jews will soon be remembering that particularly awful modern holocaust often simply called the Holocaust or HaShoah. As I note in my new book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, holocausts are the consequence of people consciously embracing evil. It is vital that both Jews and the world remember HaShoah, and no films or documentaries can fully capture the horror.

The holocausts of modern history are almost too horrific to remember, but we must.  Although Jews will soon be remembering that particularly awful modern holocaust often simply called the Holocaust or HaShoah.  As I note in my new book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, holocausts are the consequence of people consciously embracing evil.  It is vital that both Jews and the world remember HaShoah, and no films or documentaries can fully capture the horror.

As one example – a single and not unusual example, but just an awful example – there were instances in which the airless, lightness cattle cars crammed with Jews who could not even sit and who had no food, no sanitation and worst of all no water, were sometimes simply pulled off on a railroad spur and the tortured souls within left to die.  Even worse, sometimes the Nazis would put a few inches of quicklime which would slowly eat the flesh of the dying Jews.  These were not the deeds of human beings or even carnivorous animals, but of monsters who hated God.

There is a danger, however, in only remembering one holocaust.  Decades between HaShoah, decades even before the savage Nazi persecution of Jews, millions of Armenian Christian women and children were crammed into identical cattle cars and sent to identical sorts of death, most often by the agonizing death of dehydration, by the Turkish government.  The failure to have an equivalent of Nuremburg Trials in 1920 led atheists like Hitler to conclude that if Europe did not even squeak when millions of Christian Asians were tortured to death in one great war, who would care about millions of Jews dying the same death in another world war.

Between these two unspeakable crimes against humanity, perhaps fifteen million citizens of the Soviet Empire were systematically exterminated in what was euphemistically called “The Liquidation of the Kulak Class.”  The places of their death and torment were largely in Asia.

While people were still dying in the Gulag, Mao Tse Tung behind his infamous genocide of the Tibetan people, which was known to anti-communists but ignored by the rest of the world as it happened. Since the true scope of the nightmare that Mao Tse Tung, perhaps more sadistic and evil than either Hitler or Stalin, has become better known, that estimate should be pushed up to one hundred and twenty million murdered (not counting the tortured and maimed) victims of Communism. 

Today, North Korea is death camp, and it is a death camp not run by a military superpower like Nazi Germany, whose armies only Providence allowed us to defeat, and which could easily have survived the war, but  by a petty spoiled brat whose forces we could conquer in a week.  So let me pose a simple question:  why don’t we? 

If, quite rightly, we spent trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives to end the vast Sinisterist evil of Nazism, then why do we not spend a few billion dollars and a few hundred lives to end North Korea, the greatest concentration camp in human history?   I will speak for those who cannot speak – the Armenian young girl, gang raped and dying of dehydration; the Khmer peoples, half of whom were tortured to death by their Marxist “liberators;” those forgotten eighty million or so murdered after the Chinese Civil War ended in public savagery in which the community itself was compelled to participate in the sadism; and every North Korean who dies each day today because we all have lives too busy with our concerns, like money and cars and television and cell phones, to care or to act to support the ending of Kim Jong Il and his nation of New Auschwitz.

Perhaps it is because even Americans have become more enamored with the next celebrity news story or winning the most popular charity contest (the Nazis, those familiar with history will recall, had countless charities for many ostensibly good purposes) than with the hard fact of confronting evil.

I have written before that we should liberate Iran by defeating the theocrats who govern it.  Perhaps we should instead end Kim Jong Il first.  The war would not last long or cost many lives, and it would send a cold chill down the spines of every national gangland boss from Zimbabwe to Syria.  It would also let China and Russia (and Japan) know that we intend freedom to flourish in Asia. 

Or perhaps we should have Congress set aside a day of remembrance for those wretches trapped in the Nation of Auschwitz today, with PBS and schools directed to tell America just was is happening every day, every hour, every minute in that forgotten corner of Hell and to remember the holocausts in the largest continent on Earth, the home of most of humanity.  One thing is certain:  our policy, even if it is not the policy of any other nation, is no holocausts anywhere in the world, anytime for any reason, ever. 

Bruce Walker

Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenŐs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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