WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Bruce Walker
Date:  June 2, 2007

Topic category:  Other/General

9-11 and Pearl Harbor

As we celebrated somberly on Memorial Day, it is important not to hide all the sneaky facts about American military and political history. After all, as most Democrats know, Vice President Cheney knew about 9-11 and allowed it to happen so that Halliburton could make more money. And as Cynthia McKinney knows, Jews were told to stay home that morning so that they would not die with the rest. Enough Americans now believe this, that perhaps they are ready for some more interesting history.

The Japanese, for example, did not attack Pearl Harbor on December 7th. The carrier planes that bombed American naval and army air forces at Pearl Harbor were actually American Dauntless dive-bombers, Devastator torpedo planes, and Grumman Wildcats, all with the rising sun painted over the American insignia. Franklin Roosevelt and Bull Halsey planned the whole thing. Roosevelt, whose popularity was sagging badly (and whose party would take a thumbing in eleven months) desperately needed a distraction. All that was required was tight control over the pilots involved, who were all carefully selected diehard Democrats who understood the need for FDR to not only serve an unprecedented three terms as president but a fourth term as well. He also allowed the “Second Pearl Harbor,” when the entire Army Air Corps forces in the Philippines were destroyed on the ground after Pearl Harbor (i.e. after we knew that Japan had supposedly begun an undeclared war on us.) The only explanation is that the Japanese, having been wrongly blamed for Pearl Harbor, saw that they were going to be in a war with America and reacted accordingly by destroying our air fleet in the Philippines.

Having gotten America involved in the war, FDR eschewed the convoy system in the Atlantic Ocean for months, despite pleading by the Brits, because he did not want to win the war before 1944, when he would be up for re-election again. This failure to use the British convoy system meant that huge numbers of American freighters and tankers were sunk right off the coast of American cities on the East Coast, just as Roosevelt hoped.

FDR also assured that our torpedoes did not work in the Pacific Theater, as submarine commanders repeatedly complained that direct hits on Japanese shipping and warships did not detonate. The problems were “conveniently” solved only in late 1943, at which time we could safely begin to win the war without jeopardizing Roosevelt’s unprecedented fourth term as president.

These failures allowed FDR to generate popular war bond campaigns and scrap metal drives and other very public activities which made anyone who opposed our involvement in the war (or who opposed Roosevelt personally) seem unpatriotic.

This included censorship as well. The New York Times, for example, was never told that the British had cracked the German Enigma Code or given the date of Operation Overlord. Congress was asked to give a blank check for “black projects” like the Manhattan Project, without exercising its right of constitutional oversight. Congressmen, even congressional leaders and committee chairman, were not told when Patton would strike the Germans or MacArthur would invade a Japanese held island. FDR almost acted as if he, and not Congress, had the constitutional power to conduct a war to its conclusion.

FDR even defined the length that American forces would fight the war by demanding “unconditional surrender” from Germany, Japan and Italy. Congress was not allowed to set a timetable for withdrawal of forces when the American public grew war-weary and this was with a conscripted army, an army of drafted soldiers, rather than the all volunteer force we fight with today. Congress was not involved in the process of determining victory, once it had authorized the use of force. FDR almost acted as if, in time of war, he was Commander-in-Chief.

Everyone is entitled, I suppose, to write his own history. Everyone is entitled to suspect his own conspiracies. I accept that Franklin Roosevelt was simply grossly incompetent at many times during the Second World War, but despite his many weaknesses, I accept, as my parents (who were in that war) accepted, he was trying hard to win.

FDR was a much less honest man than George W. Bush, but even knowing that, I do not believe that he tried anything more than to oppose the very real evil of Nazism, Japanese Imperialism and Fascism. Our president’s own father, although a Republican, trusted in his Democrat Commander-in-Chief. There is a word for this sort of loyalty: Patriotism.

Bruce Walker

Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenÕs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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