WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Larry Wilke
Date:  April 15, 2009

Topic category:  Other/General

Drawing Battle Lines

As the “Lipton Liturgicals” directed at the Leviathan liberal tax machine are taking place around the nation, everyone needs to keep in mind that if the momentum of these “statements” ends today, the effort was nothing more than empty symbolism. It is also important to know that the opposition, as the uncrowned masters of empty symbolism, will continue to march to the beat of their own demented drummer..

As the “Lipton Liturgicals” directed at the Leviathan liberal tax machine are taking place around the nation, everyone needs to keep in mind that if the momentum of these “statements” ends today, the effort was nothing more than empty symbolism. It is also important to know that the opposition, as the uncrowned masters of empty symbolism, will continue to march to the beat of their own demented drummer..

Those who are burdened by a tunnel vision, which is enhanced by the voluminous distractions utilized by the “free liberal 527”, otherwise known as the “impartial media”, will miss the collateral and concurrent liberal efforts to undermine the Constitution and western democracy. Their declared war upon America has many fronts and we must address each of them simultaneously, or else..

Seemingly brought to life by the “rant heard around the world” by Rick Santelli on February 19th, average everyday “victims” of the Obama caliphate will take to the streets today in what the left hopes will be a “cathartic exorcise” and nothing more.

On the other hand, the copious “protests” of the left are not motivated by any scruples or standards, they are fueled by boredom.. Since virtually none of the pimply progressives are gainfully employed, throwing rocks and painting placards keeps them otherwise occupied between visits to the Methadone and STD clinics. From the “Don’t draft me” college cowards to the liberal “beneficiaries” over the legal drinking age, assembling a crowd of leftists takes less time than it does for Michael Moore to hammer a box of Ding Dongs.. (You are what you eat..)

The collectivists are counting on everyone to just “go away” after tonight but if for some reason the “middle class” doesn’t give up on this effort, be prepared to be labeled as “right wing extremists” (scary..) by the liberal scribblers.. The media has been greasing the rails for this tactic and it is just another fascist flanking maneuver that those so stigmatized by the astigmatism of “tunnel vision” invariably overlook.

An article entitled, “US recession, 1st black president, ‘fuel extremism’”, we see front and center this attack angle in full stride. With absolutely no details whatsoever, (what a surprise coming from Obama and his administration..) we read that “right wing extremists are using economic worries and the election of the first black president as recruiting tools..”

This “report” comes from the Obama Department of Homeland Security. This “report” was “clearly marked as not for release to the media”. Will anyone from the Obama administration be taken to task for this “Deep Throat” leak to the duplicitous media? Where is today’s “firestorm” of outrage over this leak? Something along the lines of the trumped up stupidity that followed the alleged Novak “leak” of Valerie Plame “CIA agent” and her out-of-work useless husband Joe Wilson? (Who were busy posing for pictures with Vanity Fair magazine, “Vanity” being the perfect choice for these two boobs..) The bottom line: this “leak” BENEFITS the fiction being constructed by the Obama administration, so “no harm, no foul”..

This “document” was acquired by the “Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy”. This “group” has been around since 1945 but since 2000, (wasn’t that when the Republicans “stole” the election?) they have published the “Secrecy News”. This timeline reveals no agenda at all, it is just a coincidence.. It would appear that “secrecy” under the Obama obfuscators will be as imaginary as the evidence used to create the appropriate “crisis” or warnings that they need to vilify those who disagree..

Is it possible that this ALLEGED “rise” in “right wing extremists” might have something to do with the ACTUAL “rise” in “left wing extremists” who occupy positions of power and decision making within what used to be the democratic form of government within the former United States of America? Isn’t it obvious that the actions of the “left wing extremists” have precipitated the Tea Parties taking place today?

These right wing “threats so far have been largely rhetorical..” Doesn’t that mean that they were made up by those with an agenda to misinform? Not a thread of “proof”, “no specific information”, yet the “right wing recalcitrants” will now be considered “extremist” until proven innocent, convicted by the ridiculous reactionaries of the left and their “friends” within the “impartial” media..

“The department did not name any active right wing extremist groups..” Even though they didn’t name any, these unnamed “right wing extremists” are a “threat to the first black president”.. On my handy dandy little “Homeland Security Mood Ring Danger Chart”, “fictional threats” would translate to being well below the “Green” setting which is a “low” risk of attack.. What color is “NO” risk or “an imaginary liberal diversion” risk? (Isn’t it great when someone’s race is a comforter that protects their own extremism, which not only excuses and blankets their own “extremism” but it simultaneously provides the “only possible motive” for anyone’s illogical and therefore “right wing” overreaction? The liberals love to multi task..)

The “Great White Dope”, Timothy McVeigh again makes a return for the sake of redundancy as the “right wing” poster boy for the liberals who seek to mislabel those who simply oppose them.. McVeigh was “anti-government”, not “right wing”. The liberals would like to portray ANYONE who is averse to THEIR oppressive “style” of government as an “extremist”. The real right wing believes in low taxes and as minimal as possible, the intrusions of the government into the lives of the citizens. The left believes in high taxes and the maximum amount of governmental intrusion as possible. In short, the left punishes productivity and they supplement sloth. Who sounds like the “extremist” in that exchange?

Those who cower and soil themselves over the imaginary “right wing extremists” of the Obama Homeland Insecurity Department don’t have too much to say about the terrorist incident and the squashing of their favorite “right of free speech” that took place at the “University” of North Carolina on Tuesday.

Tom Tancredo was to give a speech at that location. Tancredo has the audacity to speak out against ILLEGAL immigration. (Here is where you refer to the text from above..) “Dozens” of liberal “college students” “assembled” and threw rocks through the windows, causing the cancellation of the speech.

“There’s no debate, no space for hate”, the children cried. There is no “space for debate” if you disagree with the left. The LEFT decides what HATE is. The first amendment doesn’t apply to those who disagree, disagreement is then termed to be “hate speech.. Again I will ask you, WHO sounds like the “extremist” in this situation? Will anything like this happen when “Mr. Abortion” goes to Notre Dame to give the commencement speech soon? No, unless some liberals “gather” to “protest” the “protest” of those who have the “right to assemble” and express their opinions.

How much damage will there be to anyone private property during ANY of the Tea Parties today? None, unless some liberals decide to “gather” to “protest” the “protest”. Are you detecting an “extremist” pattern here?

Since the liberals are so fond of mythology, I equate them and their dystrophic politics to the mythical Medusa. They are snakes not unlike Medusa’s hair. Meeting the gaze of Medusa turns those who do so into stone, not unlike what happens to the gullible who listen to the pathetic progressive political palaver. It is up to us to become the Perseus in this fable..

The old saying goes that you “draw a line in the sand”. With the left and when it comes to all of us “right wing extremists”, I say we draw our battle lines in something a little less amorphous than sand..

Larry Wilke

Biography - Larry Wilke

Larry Wilke is a full-time cynic and a part-time curmudgeon from St. Louis. You can read more about him at his blog https://noleftturnz.wordpress.com

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