WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Larry Wilke
Date:  April 20, 2009

Topic category:  Other/General

Reap What You Sow

One of the amazing abilities of the liberal leader is that he has the capacity to make inconsequential events consequential and to take events of great consequence and to brush them off as inconsequential..

One of the amazing abilities of the liberal leader is that he has the capacity to make inconsequential events consequential and to take events of great consequence and to brush them off as inconsequential. This is not due to any particular acumen on the President’s part, it is a contemptible consequence of the inherent liberal gullibility that his vast inexperience brings to the most important political office in the world.

During the ridiculous spectacle that was the “Summit of the Americas”, Obama transformed the inconsequential into the consequential. Puny political runts like Oretga and Chavez ran roughshod over the totalitarian tag team of Obama and Rodham and both allowed the repetitive embarrassments to go unanswered. (Mind you, these are the same liberals who soiled themselves over the idea of Brit Hume moderating a debate during the campaign season..) Obama says that when an Oretga or a Chavez puts the President of the United States into short pants, it is inconsequential. “The whole notion was that somehow if we showed courtesy or opened up dialogue with governments that had previously been hostile with us, that that somehow would be a sign of weakness. The American people didn’t buy it..”

Never mind that the American people can’t “buy” anything after the “Bolshevik bailout” that you’ve saddled every working American with.. The idea of “glad handing” the vapid Venezuelan in front of the entire world and then accepting the “gift” of a book entitled “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent” by Eduardo Galeano is unacceptably unsavory. Obama should have giggled at this goofy gopher and said, “Our Secretary of State wrote a book about this topic as well, it was called “It Takes A Pillage”..

Accepting this type of “gift” from someone whom routinely assails the country over which you preside without a harsh denouncement or three goes well beyond “courtesy” and stumbles into the liberal minefield of reflexive appeasement. Why didn’t Obama ask for the same acquiescent “courtesy” from this mercurial mole that routinely regales the media with his “opinions” about our nation and its citizens?

Again that which should have been inconsequential becomes consequential because if lunatic lilliputs like Chavez and Ortega can manhandle you unimpeded, what can we expect from Obama/Rodham “negotiations” with the Chinese who are unquestionably doubled over in laughter, bracing for the next “hot air” strike sure to come from the “U.S.S. Capitulation”.. North Korea’s diminutive dimwit is shaking in his little black boots.. Experience gives one the ability to see the consequences of one’s actions and inactions well beyond this afternoon.. How idiotically useless was this “Summit”? Daniel Ortega was the “Chairman”. That’s the equivalent of going to a Mental Health seminar where Howard Dean is the chairman..

David Alexrod explained Obama’s “tactics” as follows: “You plant, you cultivate, you harvest. Over time, the seeds that were planted here are going to be very, very valuable..” My answer: Valuable for whom? It sounds as thought the President of the United States according to Axelrod, is nothing more than a Garden Weasel..

This “rush” to capitulate and to genuflect before such simple simians coalesces with the liberal love of “talk”. The liberal “plan of attack” in the diplomatic wars appears to be “lay like spoons with goons”. Obama is downright giddy at the thought of breaking bread with “Leisure Suit Larry” from Iran. He would be willing to “negotiate” with virtually anyone who would show up at the White House decked out in a bedazzling medal and ribbon encrusted Halloween costume.. America’s first statement at the liberal international negotiation table, “opening up a dialog” as Obama put it, will be, “What do you want me to give up? Is that all? What else, come on, there’s got to be more than that.. Should I apologize now?”

“Talk” when done by the malleable morons of the left is always done from the position of weakness. The left will do ANYTHING to “talk” because they are firmly convinced that they are brilliant enough, to “mentally water board” shall we say, any sixth century savage into signing some useless parchment. Their childish naiveté when they discover that this “document” means as much to the “enemy combatants” as the Constitution means to the liberals themselves is priceless. Thus the inconsequential becomes the consequential..

Obama in such a short time has taken his “Blame America First” road show to the (m)asses with proven results. He has not only bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, with each misstep and unanswered salvo at the “Simpleton Summit”, he has also bowed before those who have repeatedly spit upon our nation. Obama was actually so disingenuous as to say relative to his embarrassing soulful handshake with Chavez that, “Chavez is better at positioning the cameras..” No, Chavez was better at positioning YOU..

Being oblivious to the repercussions of being seen as a progressive patsy, for example to the Muslim terrorists, turns these little inconsequential events and makes them consequential. The left’s proven record of curtseying and cowering certainly makes them a farce to be reckoned with..

Senator John Ensign said on CNN, “When you’re talking about the prestige of the United States and the presidency of the United States, you have to be careful who you’re seen joking around with..” Why would these types of appearances matter to someone who “palled around” with the likes of Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko?

Obama carried on about “Mutual responsibility, mutual respect and mutual interest..” With his proclivity towards unrequited appeasement, just what exactly does he plan to do in order to “enforce” or encourage this “mutual” equation? When the left mentions the word “mutual”, it invariably means that the concessions, before, during and after, always come from the country with the liberal in charge. It’s the “nice” thing to do because according to the left, we have so much to atone for..

“There have been instances in which we’ve seen Venezuela interfere with some of the countries that surround Venezuela in ways that are a source of concern..” The overwhelming response to this type of “stinging rebuke” from America’s number one liberal will be, “What are you going to do about it?” The answer from any of the cookie cutter communists of the Obama administration will be, “Nothing, so there.. you meany..” This is what happens when you castrate the “or else” from your arsenal..

Obama wants to “break free from the arguments and ideologies of an earlier era and continue to act as we have at this summit..” That is precisely what the real Americans of this country are concerned with..

“You plant, you cultivate, you harvest..” When it comes to the seeds of stupidity planted by the Obama caliphate, it should be “you reap what you sow”..

Larry Wilke

Biography - Larry Wilke

Larry Wilke is a full-time cynic and a part-time curmudgeon from St. Louis. You can read more about him at his blog https://noleftturnz.wordpress.com

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