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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Contributor
Author:  Christopher G. Adamo
Bio: Christopher G. Adamo
Date:  January 23, 2008
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Fifty Million Lives After Roe

Any intellectually honest assessment of the situation (and admittedly, both intellect and honesty are in very short supply these days, especially among the so-called “politically correct”) would have to conclude that no single activity has contributed more than abortion to the demeaning of women in modern culture.

This week marks thirty five years since the Supreme Court’s monstrous “Roe v. Wade” decision gave a blanket legalization to abortion, and by which the feminists claim that women have been greatly elevated in society. At this milestone, it is worthwhile to ponder the horrendous consequences they have paid.

The network news headlines on any average day reveal the grim facts. Women can comfortably degrade themselves in public, burdened with far less vocal judgment than they endured in the past. Perhaps, according to the twisted thinking of some, this constitutes an improvement. Yet on too many other fronts, their status in society has been significantly lowered. And abortion has been a major contributing factor.

Women are attacked abused and demeaned by brutish men, just as they always have been. Clearly, Roe did not fix that. Furthermore, the moment the PC police are not around, male discussions of women rapidly degenerate to the same crass themes that have always characterized such talk.

Despite the proliferation of rules and regulations ostensibly prohibiting this manner of treatment in the workplace and elsewhere, the pattern continues unabated. Far too many men still regard women as targets to be preyed upon.

The number of young girls who suddenly disappear, only to be recovered some time later as “remains,” has reached a horrific level. Could it be that, despite all of the “I am woman hear me roar” rhetoric that deluged America since the 1970s, an underlying mindset of complete scorn for them, disregarding their worth as anything other than sexual “playtoys,” increasingly pervades the culture?

Any intellectually honest assessment of the situation (and admittedly, both intellect and honesty are in very short supply these days, especially among the so-called “politically correct”) would have to conclude that no single activity has contributed more than abortion to the demeaning of women in modern culture.

It has always been among the oddest of ironies that, in post-modern America, pro-abortion men are lauded by the liberal establishment as being “pro-woman.” The evidence proves quite the contrary.

Consider, as the most striking example, Bill Clinton who was undoubtedly the most ardent pro-abortion individual ever to serve as president of the United States. Within the angry circles of embittered feminism, he is universally held in the highest esteem, having ensured by both his policy decisions and his Federal and Supreme Court appointments that no limitations on abortion would ever be implemented on his watch. A woman’s best friend, was he not?

Yet in a seeming complete contradiction to that posture, the track record of his personal treatment of women was one of unredeemable harassment, abuse, intimidation, and overall contempt. Clearly, as a reflection of his personal feelings towards the “fairer sex,” Bill Clinton was (and no doubt still is) a complete monster. So, why does this stark incongruity between official policy and personal behavior exist?

In truth, it is no disparity at all. Rather, the two situations are in complete harmony with each other. As is the case with every other man who regards women only from a perspective of their potential for personal gratification, Bill Clinton and his kind have known that abortion is their best means of absolving themselves from any responsibility for the actions they take. Corroborating reports, like those of rape and other misogyny, lurk within the dark shadows of Clinton’s past.

The woman, and only the woman, would be faced with the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. It is the woman who is left with the horror and guilt (for those who are honest enough to admit to its reality) of having taken the life of an innocent child in order to deflect the immediate consequences of her actions. Rampant cases of severe post-abortion depression inarguably attest to this fact.

Nor is Bill Clinton alone in this. The pattern is widespread throughout our increasingly self-absorbed culture. And this toxin does not remain only within the realm of those who have actually participated in such behavior. It is of secondary importance that any particular man has actually aided, abetted, or more accurately, coerced a woman to abort the child they conceived together. The fact that such an option exists in his mind defines his real regard for, and relationship to, the women he encounters.

Thus, the mere fact that he would be willing to follow such a course indelibly poisons any real respect that he might otherwise have for her, verbal platitudes and genuflections towards the feminists notwithstanding.

But the situation gets still worse. With the advent of Roe v. Wade, and the “popularization” of abortion on demand, society henceforth notified its budding members that they too had once been worthless and ultimately “expendable,” and thus the lives they currently live resulted merely from the beneficent whims of those who had the power, and “legal authority” to eradicate them.

It is a lesson that the ensuing generation has learned well, and all-too-often puts into practice among its own. Who would attempt to argue that within the current crop of young people, a callous disregard for the rights, sensibilities, and sadly, even the lives of others is spreading like a disease?

Consider the numbers. A term like “fifty million” (give or take a few million), the approximate number of human beings that have been systematically slaughtered in this nation’s abortion mills since that fateful Supreme Court decision, defies comprehension. But perhaps an illustration might give the situation some substance.

Anyone watching or attending a game at a pro football stadium knows of the vast sea of faces encountered there. When filled to capacity, that typically amounts to sixty-thousand spectators. It would take more than eight hundred arenas of such capacity to accommodate the number of tiny helpless people who have been removed from our midst since the decision was made to institutionally turn a blind eye and deaf ear to their humanity.

No amount of excuses or euphemisms offered by the abortion advocacy can ever erase the horrific scope of this silent holocaust. And no amount of denial can heal the scars, both physical and spiritual, that America now bears from it.

Christopher G. Adamo

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Biography - Christopher G. Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.

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