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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Lloyd Marcus
Bio: Lloyd Marcus
Date:  September 12, 2011
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Topic category:  Government/Politics

Obama's Despicable Jobs Speech

Obama's jobs speech was reminiscent of a cliché scene in cowboy movies. A loud mouth guy stands on the steps of the jail-house and enrages the crowd to overrule the sheriff, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a trial.

Obama's jobs speech was reminiscent of a cliché scene in cowboy movies. A loud mouth guy stands on the steps of the jail-house and enrages the crowd to overrule the sheriff, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a trial.

Obama used his bully pulpit to say, in essence, if those Republican S.O. Bs do not pass my jobs bill immediately without review, they should be politically lynched. Unquestionably, Obama's speech had a bully edge to it. Pass my jobs bill NOW!

Obama lied about all of the freebies in his jobs bill being “paid for” just as he did to pass Obamacare.

In his typical manipulative deceptive fashion, Obama said several “right things” such as government getting out of the way of small business while his administration does the complete opposite.

The center piece of Obama's speech was his despicable signature exploitation of class envy and demoni-zation of the rich. Obama in his speech reduced the American Dream to being a union worker with good wages and benefits. Obviously, Obama considered entrepreneurs with higher aspirations to be part of the problem. How dare they seek to have more than anyone else? To each according to his needs. Scary. Very scary and evil.

As expected, Obama's job speech was written using the left's same old play book. We Tea Party patriots knew what Obama was going to say in his “jobs speech” before he delivered it.

OK class, what will be Obama's minions next move to force Republicans to pass his jobs bill NOW? I hear you yelling the correct answer. You guys are toooo cool, tooo smart and right on target! I give you all an A+. Obama's minions will proclaim everyone questioning Obama's job bill to be racist.

Folks, this president is divisive and evil. We must vote him out in 2012. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus

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Biography - Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd MarcusLloyd Marcus, is a Proud Unhyphenated American.

Lloyd's childhood began in a Baltimore ghetto. He grew to manhood in the 1960s. He is an artist, singer, production designer and musical producer, all professions frequently inhabited by leftists. Even his hairstyle – his hair is long and usually woven into a tight ponytail – bespeaks avant-garde. He is outgoing with an infectious laugh. He has become a major Deltona civic leader. His songs and artwork have uplifting, often patriotic, themes. And, as his work on Republican campaigns shows, his politics lean toward the right.

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