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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Bruce Walker
Bio: Bruce Walker
Date:  April 22, 2006
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Immigration Reform

When we speak of immigration reform, what do we really mean? America is a nation of immigrants. Indeed, even if Native Americans are considered in the demographics of the United States, they, too, were immigrants who crossed from Siberia into Alaska, then migrated down the hemispheric range to Patagonia – and Native Americans were relatively late arrivals.

When we speak of immigration reform, what do we really mean?  America is a nation of immigrants.  Indeed, even if Native Americans are considered in the demographics of the United States, they, too, were immigrants who crossed from Siberia into Alaska, then migrated down the hemispheric range to Patagonia – and Native Americans were relatively late arrivals.

The idea of America is the homeland of immigrants, but the idea of America is the idea of the right type of immigrant.  The right type of immigrant has nothing to do with race, faith, nationality or wealth; the right type of immigrant has everything to do with embracing the values of America. Because illegal aliens are, of course, illegally in America, we should have creative ways of determining who wants to be an American out of love for America and who wants to be an American as a way of dismantling America.

How can we do this?  Here is a two step process.  First, offer not an amnesty but an offer of limited duration to everyone in the nation illegally.  Those who take advantage of it will be identified by multiple biometric identifiers so that they can be quickly determined to have opted into the program by law enforcement.

Second, submit the most sophisticated polygraph test possible on each illegal immigrant who wishes to gain legal status and get on the track to citizenship later.  What questions should be asked?  Here are ten straightforward questions that should be asked of each illegal immigrant:

“Is your first loyalty to the United States of America?  In any conflict of loyalties between nations, would you side with the United States of America? Do you want to live in America because you love the values of America?”

“Do you have knowledge of any illegal drug trafficking?  Will you agree to completely collaborate with law enforcement and if you have such knowledge, will you reveal those fully to federal and state law enforcement in the prosecution of drug trafficking and fully collaborate in the prosecution of drug traffickers prior to seeking legal immigrant status?”

“Do you have any knowledge of any planned, past or possible acts of terrorism?   Will you agree to completely collaborate with law enforcement and if you have such knowledge, will you reveal those fully to federal and state law enforcement in the prosecution of drug trafficking and fully collaborate in the prosecution of drug traffickers prior to seeking legal immigrant status?

“Do you have any knowledge of systems for brining immigrants into the United States of America illegally?  Will you agree to completely collaborate with law enforcement and if you have such knowledge, will you reveal those fully to federal and state law enforcement in the prosecution of drug trafficking and fully collaborate in the prosecution of drug traffickers prior to seeking legal immigrant status?

“Will you promptly report any information you have about terrorism, drug dealing or illegal immigration in the future to federal and state law enforcement?”

“Do you intend to work full time, to pay all taxes, to comply with all laws, and to not receive welfare or other similar benefits?”

“Do you intend to learn English, become fluent in English, and teach you children English?”

“Do you intend to become a full and complete part of American society and culture?”

“Will you voluntarily agree to leave the United States of America if you cannot answer honestly and sincerely any of the nine preceding questions?”

Third, the illegal immigrant who successfully passed the polygraph test, which should be videotaped, should sign an affidavit as to his answers and a waiver of any legal rights to permanent deportation should he be found to have answered any of the questions untruthfully.

What would be the benefits of this three stage process?  We could gain an enormous amount of intelligence and cooperation in addressing three of the most serious problems facing our nation – drug trafficking, terrorism and the systematic, criminal transportation of illegal immigrants.  This help should make it much easier to reduce all three of these problems while keeping our borders open to those who seriously and only wish to participate in the American dream.

This would also divide the community of immigrants – legal and illegal – into two camps:  those who really did wish to become good, law-abiding and hard-working immigrants and later citizens and those filled with rancor against America or less savory and more mercenary motives.  Finally, it would provide a quick process for expelling those who lied about why they wished to be in America.

The greatness of America is the influx of good immigrants, and the solution is to separate the wheat from the chaff.  Increasingly sophistication lie detection is the best and most effective way to find out who wants to be here for good reasons and who wants to be here for bad reasons.

Bruce Walker

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Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenÕs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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Copyright © 2006 by Bruce Walker
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