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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Bruce Walker
Bio: Bruce Walker
Date:  July 7, 2006
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Womenism, Chess Fairness and Sinisterism

In January 2003, I wrote an article “Womenism and Chess Fairness” in which I noted that because men have a strong innate superiority over women in purely spatial analytical activities like chess, no woman would ever become the best chess player in the world.

In January 2003, I wrote an article “Womenism and Chess Fairness” in which I noted that because men have a strong innate superiority over women in purely spatial analytical activities like chess, no woman would ever become the best chess player in the world. Indeed, at the time that I wrote that article there was precisely one woman in the world who was ranked among the top 100 chess players in the world, Judith Polgar.

Judith is hardly an “ordinary woman.” Her parents, both excellent chess players like her sister, pulled her out of public school to study chess fulltime (an advantage that few, if any, of the ninety-nine men in the top 100 chess players in the world had.) Polgar was there to prove a point: men did not have a powerful, inborn advantage in this most purely analytical and ancient of games.

In October 2004, I wrote a follow-up article “Womenism and Chess Fairness – Redux.” In this I observed that the differences between men and women accounted for the social differences between men and women. In short, I utterly repudiated the totalitarian doctrine that the reason women have not “succeeded” is because men have “oppressed” then. Chess is immune to such oppression. It is pure logic. It can be played anonymously by mail. Persecuted groups often do better, not worse, than privileged groups in playing chesss.

In my October article I made the prediction “Polgar will never be the best chess player in the world.” (She had dropped from the eighth best player in the world to the ninth best player in the world.) In July 2006, two and a half years later, my prediction is certainly fulfilled. Where is Judith Polgar in the FIDE world chess ratings today?

She has fallen to seventeenth, and that is considering that the longtime best player in the world has retired. Although a magnificent chess player – far and away the best woman to ever play chess – Judith Polgar is not even the best chess player in her native Hungary. Even more importantly, out of the sixteen better players than Polgar, half are younger than her and there are two players men seven years younger than Polgar about to pass her in the rankings.

What does all this mean? Men have decisive strengths over women, just as we are constantly reminded by comics, Womenists and pandering politicians that men have areas in which we are not as good as women. People of faith, even tree-hugging worshippers to pagan, false gods, should automatically assume that: sexual differences are intended to be complementary; just as women in some important areas are intended by God and by nature to be better adapted than men, men are in equally important areas intended by God and by nature to be better adapted than women.

What I called “Womenism” (because it no more a form of civil rights movement, than the Nazi Party was a civil rights movement, although it proclaimed its intention to end social “injustice” by limiting the number of Jews in universities and professions) is nothing more or less than one of those odious toads of modern myth, one of those gangs who boldly worship the lie: Sinisterists.

Equality before the law, equality of opportunity, the abolition of formal privilege – these are honorable and proper. These are each the hallmarks of those always hated by Sinisterists: Jew, Christians, America and Israel. Sinisterism in chess, in academics (where Oriental students suffer constant discrimination in West Coast universities because their grades are too high for the “racial quota” system of Sinisterists), in the achievements of Jews, of Christians, of America and of Israel will never except inequality of result because of the superiority of the Judeo-Christian value system and its political prodigy in America and Israel naturally lead to victories in countless spheres of human activity.

Womenism, the movement that worships rapists like Clinton, ignores rape rooms like the Baathist, cares nothing about the liberation of women in Afghanistan, is simply a lame and increasingly limp ladies auxiliary of modern Sinisterism, the power grubbing and cannibalistic haters of truth and of those four living manifestations of truth: Jews, Christians, America and Israel.

Bruce Walker

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Biography - Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. He is a regular contributor to WebCommentary, Conservative Truth, American Daily, Enter Stage Right, Intellectual Conservative, NewsByUs and MenÕs News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.

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