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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Editor
Author:  Bob Webster
Bio: Bob Webster
Date:  August 11, 2016
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Topic category:  Elections - Politics, Polling, etc.

"NeverTrumpers" Speak Out, Exposing Their Ignorance
Whatever qualms people may have about Donald Trump, they pale into insignificance in comparison with the dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Are dishonesty and corruption now accepted as normal?  The "NeverTrump" movement derails while "the usual suspects" continue creating their false narratives about Donald Trump while being blind to the massive corruption and serial lying of Hillary Clinton.

Roger Zakheim and Michael Graham are members of the shrinking NeverTrump group of disgruntled insiders who fear their loss of influence in a Trump administration more than they care about our nation. Both of these NeverTrumpers were recent guests on FOX News.

Roger Zakheim and the pompous gang of 50 NeverTrumpers.

Zakheim is one of the 50 signatories of a statement that, quite frankly, provides no substance beyond opinions, makes a boatload of assumptions based on nothing more than the fantasies of the statement's author, and whose obvious purpose is to try to discredit Donald Trump.

It fails in its purpose because the statement is a classic case of quantity over quality, using far too many words to say much too little.

These 50 self-proclaimed “national security experts” imply Donald J. Trump is more dangerous to our national security than is Hillary Clinton, well-known to be a thoroughly corrupt serial liar.

These foolish NeverTrumpers would have you believe Trump is more dangerous to national security than is Hillary Clinton, who is responsible for destabilizing the Middle East and has severely harmed both Israeli and U. S. interests in the Middle East while, as Secretary of State, illegally using private nonsecure servers to handle highly classified documents and conduct official government business.

By her actions, Clinton exposed highly sensitive critical information to international intelligence agents. Clinton's illegal use of nonsecure servers has severely compromised the future ability of the United States to gather intelligence and may well have already led to at least six deaths (four Americans killed at poorly protected Benghazi plus two highly placed CIA assets, one an Iranian nuclear scientist who was recently executed in Iran and another a highly placed Afghan government official who was assassinated in Afghanistan after Clinton’s illegal nonsecure servers exposed their identities).

These six deaths can be linked to the reckless illegal actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who continues to this date to lie about her use of illegal nonsecure servers.

Following Clinton's willful breach of U. S. national security, if Clinton were to become President, what other nation would share sensitive information with our intelligence agencies and risk Clinton's reckless violation of national security laws that might expose their vital intelligence assets to enemy nations?

Yet despite all these known national security violations by Clinton, these cranky self-important NeverTrump insiders who fear Donald Trump will upset their cushy insider connections, make the bizarre claim that Trump somehow presents a greater danger to our nation’s security than does the thoroughly corrupt Hillary Clinton, known to have already committed acts of espionage against the U. S.

Why should we believe these 50 NeverTrumpers when they cannot present a convincing cogent argument in support of their opinion while they simultaneously ignore the many known exposures of the most highly classified national security information by the only alternative to Donald Trump?

The mountain of evidence informs us that no reasonable person could possibly conclude Donald Trump poses a greater risk to national security than does the thoroughly corrupt serial liar, Hillary Clinton.

So all these 50 insiders have accomplished is to expose themselves as utterly out of tune with today's political realities.

The real threat to our national security that a Hillary Clinton presidency would create most certainly overwhelms any qualms these 50 insider influence-peddlers may have about Donald Trump’s qualifications.

Would you share your own very private information with Hillary Clinton?

Michael Graham and the imploding NeverTrumpers at The Weekly Standard.

Evidently, Graham is a disciple of the seemingly boundless foolishness of The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol.

The Weekly Standard is rapidly becoming The Weakly Standard as it continues its NeverTrumper broadsides based on an endless string of claims about Donald Trump that bear little resemblance to truth.

Graham is one of a dwindling number of NeverTrumpers, none of whom have anything of substance to say, are severely out of touch with reality and fail to grasp the obvious fact that either Clinton or Trump will be the next President.

Consider for a moment that there are only three options registered voters have on election day: Stay home, vote for a third party candidate, or actually participate in the election by voting for one of the only two candidates who will be the eventual winner.

Think about these choices and their implications.

Staying home does nothing to stop Hillary Clinton.

Voting for a third party candidate is foolish and is not an act of principle, it is a foolish act of denial.


Because casting a vote for a candidate who cannot win will have no direct bearing on the electoral outcome that determines our next President, the future economy of our nation, our ability to fight terrorism at home and abroad, and up to four new justices on the Supreme Court.

To opt out of the real choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump by voting for a third party candidate is, under the circumstances, a foolish act of denial that poses a real threat to our nation's future.

Reality check:  No third party candidate will win a single state’s electoral votes.

Once aroused from the delusional notion that there is a meaningful choice beyond the two major party candidates, the choice becomes easy.

In terms of the electoral vote tally, the November result will take this form:

Trump: ???
Clinton: ???
Third party candidates: 0

That is the cold reality.

So all those people who foolishly toss away their vote with the absurd claim that they are “voting their conscience” need to wake up and take a strong dose of reality.

Anyone who drinks the Kool-AId rubbish that Graham tried to peddle on FOX News when he claimed Donald Trump is a New York City liberal who will continue federal funding of Planned Parenthood and govern to the Left of Hillary Clinton, is either severely demented or has been in a coma for several years.

Graham's claims are more a testimony to just how little he thinks of FOXNews viewers and of how little he really knows about Donald Trump. Graham's claims have no credibility. It is unlikely any thinking viewer put stock in any of the anti-Trump venom Graham spewed. Rather than achieve his objective to build anti-Trump sentiment, Graham succeeded only in exposing just how little he understands today's political realities.

The choices are clear.

These are the choices we face at election time:

  1. Be delusional and sit idly by, thinking the election doesn't matter, or that a vote won’t matter because no real difference exists between the two candidates.
  2. Or, equally delusional, waste a vote on a candidate who will get zero electoral votes.
  3. Or choose to live in the real world and acknowledge the huge differences between Trump and Clinton, and cast a meaningful vote to prevent the thoroughly corrupt serial liar, Hillary Clinton, from ever being elected President.

As is always the case, intelligent voters will choose between the two major party candidates, like them or not. The delusional won’t bother to register to vote, or if registered, they’ll waste an opportunity to choose between two very different candidates who will take our nation down two very different paths. One, along the Clinton-Obama "more of the same" road to continued economic decline, deficit and debt growth, lack of job opportunities, massive regulatory burdens, higher energy costs and weakened national security. The other, along the Trump "road to making America great again" with greater private sector job growth, lower taxes for everyone, rooting out and prosecution of government corruption, getting control of budget deficits, and taking national defense seriously.

Anyone who cannot see the clear distinction between the two major party candidates simply isn't looking.

Those who are not paying attention, or, perhaps worse, who are relying only on newspapers or watching “the usual suspects” of TV news, really don’t know what this election is about, nor do they really understand much about the two candidates.

It is important to keep in mind that news sources today are nearly as corrupt as Clinton and are heavily biased toward radical Left candidates.

Today’s news reporters and journalists are a testimony to the destructive nature of our failing public school and university system, where politically correct rubbish is encouraged and truly free and open debate of issues is rejected in favor of “safe spaces” and other such nonsense.

While the media ignore mountains of evidence of massive Clinton corruption and ongoing serial dishonesty, they create false narratives in an attempt to define Trump as negatively as possible. They then blow their own false narratives way out of proportion and devote vast amounts of coverage to their own fiction.

It is no wonder that young people are uninformed and believed the “tooth fairy” politics of Bernie Sanders.

While the Sanders campaign correctly identified the many problems this nation faces, Bernie Sanders was ill-equipped to offer effective solutions that would achieve the ends he sought.

Sadly, many young Americans have been engrained with a distrust for a free enterprise economy because of the rigged system created by big government in collusion with some corrupt big businesses.

These voters haven’t learned that there is a huge difference between “big business” and free enterprise capitalism. That difference has been created and nurtured by a government that governs far beyond its constitutional authority, regulating every facet of life.

Most of today's news sources are dominated by Democrats who promote so-called “Progressive” views that mask the Democratic Party's anti-Constitutional ambitions.

Over the years, under the guise of "helping the poor", the Democratic Party created urban voter farms that are designed to keep urban poor minorities in dependency communities. These are today's Democratic Party voter “plantations".

These urban voter farms are characterized by high drug use, gang violence, children out of wedlock, poor education, and little opportunity for self-improvement. Created to keep poor minorities dependent on a host of welfare programs designed to lock them into a lifetime of dependency, these communities can always be counted on to vote heavily for the Democratic Party that is perceived as the hand that feeds them. Meanwhile, that same Democratic Party quietly locks these communities in poverty by choking off any opportunity to escape their dependency by opposing education choice, giving lip service to effective drug interception programs and eradication of gang violence, and discouraging the participation of mainstream religions in efforts to elevate community standards.

So ignore the news from "the usual suspects" because it is thoroughly biased and not reliable.

Instead, ask yourself:

  • Which electable candidate is more likely to bring economic prosperity to the Untied States?
  • Which is more likely to deal effectively with national defense against both domestic and international threats?

Economy and Security are the only issues that really matter. Everything else is noise.

That any rational person who has objectively looked at the evidence (unfiltered by the corrupt news media) and then does not strongly recognize Donald Trump as clearly the far better choice between the two candidates (or, if you prefer, the lesser of two evils) is mind-boggling and defies reason.

Consider just a few examples of Hillary Clinton’s corruption and lack of qualifications that should compel voters to reject her:

  • Hillary Clinton has never achieved anything of significant benefit to the public (note that being appointed to office, being elected to office, and receiving her Party’s nomination are not beneficial achievements, they are only opportunities to achieve).
  • Hillary Clinton’s “cattle futures trade”, her only lifetime trade, that netted her an impossible return that was actually a contrived payoff while her husband was Governor of Arkansas.
  • Hillary Clinton’s Whitewater scam involving Clinton and her husband operating an Arkansas real estate scheme to sell vacation/retirement homes to trusting buyers using a purchase contract rather than a mortgage. That arrangement allowed the Clintons to immediately void any contract if buyers missed a single payment. The Clintons kept everything the “buyer” had paid, they then resold the property to another naive buyer, and the former buyers lost everything. In other words, buyers accumulated no equity until they completed the terms of the purchase contract having made every payment without a single payment being late or missed entirely.
  • Hillary Clinton’s involvement with the Clinton Foundation that gives just 10% to 15% to the needy and that has been deeply implicated in a scheme to redirect Haiti earthquake relief donations to the Clinton Foundation that were intended to support Haitian earthquake victims. Instead, funds were used to build a textile factory in northern Haiti (unaffected by the earthquake) that benefited Clinton Foundation contributors looking for a cheap source of textile product.
  • Hillary Clinton’s “Pay to Play” operation while Secretary of State that sold State Department approvals for projects and exemptions from U.S. law to foreign interests in exchange for massive contributions to the Clinton Foundation (see Clinton Cash video). We now discover that Obama's Department of Justice tried to spike any investigation into this massive "pay to play" corruption the evidence of which is overwhelming.
  • Hillary Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State whereby the Middle East and North Africa were seriously destabilized with regime change in Egypt and Libya that have created greater dangers to both Israel and the United States.
  • As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s role in destabilizing the Syrian government, opening an opportunity for Russia to influence events in the Middle East and creating a void into which ISIS rapidly expanded.
  • Hillary Clinton is a serial liar who has repeatedly lied about:
    • Her claim an obscure video was behind the Benghazi attack even though she was well aware it had been a well-planned terrorist attack,
    • Her knowingly compromising national security and committing espionage against the United States by exposing the highest level of classified information to foreign intelligence operations by deliberately operating her illegal nonsecure email servers during her four years as Secretary of State. This illegality was designed to allow Clinton to hide her emails relating to the “pay to play” scam she operated through the State Department that funneled massive donations to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for special favors to corporations and foreign governments.
    • Her knowingly destroying thousands of official documents on her illegal servers to avoid Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) compliance.
    • Her involvement as creator and chief operative of the “bimbo eruption” squad who slandered many women who stepped forward with verified claims her husband, Bill Clinton, had sexually assaulted them.
These are just a selection of the more egregious examples or her corruption and serial dishonesty.

Is this really the kind of person we want to represent the United States?

If so, we’ve come a long way from “Honest Abe” Lincoln.

Bob Webster
WEBCommentary (Editor, Publisher)

Send email feedback to Bob Webster


Watch this video about Donald Trump.

Watch this video about Hillary Clinton's "Pay to Play" Corruption.

Biography - Bob Webster

Author of "Looking Out the Window", an evidence-based examination of the "climate change" issue, Bob Webster, is a 12th-generation descendent of both the Darte family (Connecticut, 1630s) and the Webster family (Massachusetts, 1630s). He is a descendant of Daniel Webster's father, Revolutionary War patriot Ebenezer Webster, who served with General Washington. Bob has always had a strong interest in early American history, our Constitution, U.S. politics, and law. Politically he is a constitutional republican with objectivist and libertarian roots. He has faith in the ultimate triumph of truth and reason over deception and emotion. He is a strong believer in our Constitution as written and views the abandonment of constitutional restraint by the regressive Progressive movement as a great danger to our Republic. His favorite novel is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and believes it should be required reading for all high school students so they can appreciate the cost of tolerating the growth of unconstitutional crushingly powerful central government. He strongly believes, as our Constitution enshrines, that the interests of the individual should be held superior to the interests of the state.

A lifelong interest in meteorology and climatology spurred his strong interest in science. Bob earned his degree in Mathematics at Virginia Tech, graduating in 1964.

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