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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Editor
Author:  Bob Webster
Bio: Bob Webster
Date:  October 6, 2023
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Topic category:  Decline and Fall of the USA

The Invasion of the USA
While our leaders divert attention from it, a foreign invasion of the US southern border is fundamentally transforming the USA.

Most people don’t realize the real significance of the 2020 election coup d’état. The People showed that they would sit back and let it happen, while the authoritarian sympathizers (national news media, Democrat Party, academia, et al) looked the People square in the eye and did what they do best… they LIED. And the lied, and lied, and lied some more.

I believe the battle to save our Constitutional Republic may already be over. Most people don’t realize the significance of the 2020 election coup d’état. The People showed that they would sit back and let it happen, while the authoritarian sympathizers (national news media, Democrat Party, academia, et al) looked the People square in the eye and did what they do best… they LIED. And then they lied again, and again, and now many accept the lies as truth.

Make no mistake. We’ve been invaded already. The invading army is among us. The number now is so astonishingly large, it almost doesn’t matter how many more might come across.

The People signaled their weakness in their response to 9/11. Instead of demanding Congress tighten immigration and foreign nation visitor processes, we let Congress do what they do best. Nothing of consequence. Indeed, they did just the opposite by making visiting easier (there, problem solved) and then opened the borders and even facilitated illegal "immigration"! Just how stupid can a people be? Letting the Party of Open Borders (Democrat, now pushing the agenda of the CPUSA) get into power and open the borders!

Congress sidestepped real solutions and, with a weak RINO President, passed the virtue-signaling “Patriot Act” that really just chipped away at rights of citizens… and for which there is no basis in our Constitution.

The Patriot Act is Pablum for the masses. “Do something!” So Congress did something stupid (what else?) and the President eagerly signed what the Uniparty wanted. But that doesn’t make it either right or constitutional.

Democrat “open border” policies are at the root of the current economic decline and growing terrorist threats from within. Coupled with Democrats dumbing down education so students dodn’t really understand our Constitution nor the government it created. It’s a great way to power up Coward-Piven, just as Obama wanted. He IS pulling the strings… Dementia Joe is his ideal President, and Kamalalalalaland Harris is his back-up ideal President.

He always said he’d love to have a puppet elected so he could pull the strings as the real President. You think Obama wasn’t behind the selection of Biden-Harris? Or the 2020 election coup d’état?

The Uniparty and Democrat authoritarians (aka, communists) will do whatever is necessary to hold on to and increase their power over the people.

And the people just sit back and take it. So why shouldn’t Democrat mobsters act like mobsters?

If the people are content to act as suckers, why shouldn’t they be treated as such?

Instead of fixing the border problem as did Trump, the Uniparty opted to take a more draconian approach. They always do. They did just the opposite! Yup, that’s going to work.

The Uniparty uses every opportunity to virtue signal while nibbling away at individual rights and freedoms… all for the glory of the State. Creeping 1984-ism. They're really just old-fashioned authoritarians at heart.

Whenever they create a piece of garbage legislation to extend their power, they give it a nice sounding name: “Deficit Reduction Act” that vastly increases the deficit. “Patriot Act” that takes rights from patriots for the glory of the State.

And people naïvely think something good will come of it?

Are the People aware there is no constitutional basis for declaring a federal “national emergency”? Congress just does it and the people sit back and take it without question. It's way past time to start questioning the motives of Congress.

It’s so common that good people fall into the trap of believing there is some “national emergency” power of government to do whatever the hell it wants by just declaring such a condition exists. Yet it’s complete fiction and legally unenforceable. A constitutional nullity.

Government cannot mandate anything nor exercise any other power not specifically prescribed in our Constitution. No vaccine mandates. No pronoun mandates. No “good think” mandates. And no “laws” that try to enforce such abominations.

If you want a refresher on the limits of Federal power, just read Article I, Section 8, of our Constitution. That section spells out the specific limited powers of Federal governance. No other powers are authorized!

But in the current climate, all the authoritarians in D.C. need do is declare an emergency and the people to roll over! Pitiful.

The authoritarians tried climate change and that didn’t work because it is bogus and the people know it. Nobody believes it, even if academia sells their souls to a scientific travesty (greenhouse gas climate change).

So for 2020’s election they went the “virus” route and turned a relatively harmless outbreak into a major disaster through the mind control of fear-mongering and repetitive propaganda.

They vastly overstated COVID-19 cases using an entirely inappropriate researchers’ tool (PCR testing) with absurdly high replication rates (40 to 45) to vastly overstate "cases" and frighten the people into believing “disease” was spreading rampantly throughout the populace. It was not. Then they compounded that by pushing people to self-quarantine for 14 days if they tested positiv, which is not the proper response to a positive PCR test. A proper serum test and physician’s exam would be needed to actually diagnose a “case” of the disease. So the feds lied to promote national fear.

Then they lied again when they labelled every death of someone who had tested positive with a PCR test(!) as a Covid death if the death occurred within 28 days of the test result. That vastly overstated “Covid deaths”.

More fear-mongering. More lying.

All so they could lie some more about a "vaccine" that was never properly tested and has had more adverse consequences (including deaths) than all other real vaccines combined throughout history! And this new "vaccine" can create long term harm to the natural immune system.

It’s what the feds do when controlled by authoritarians. They lie. Consequently, the People learnthey cannot trust federal officials.

Result: Nobody respects the CDC or the FDA or most agencies of the Federal Government.

Who is going to believe them when they try it next time?

That is a prescription for serious civil unrest.

We all know the “usual suspects” are going to try something major over the next 13 months, and likely on several different fronts. They have to so that they can continue their grasp on power. It's what authoritarians do.

Sadly, too many people today actually believe the Federal Government is the most powerful by law and can act to suppress states who do not obey and the people who do not obey. In fact, our Constitution defines the Federal Government as the weakest.

The total extent of federal power is clearly spelled out by Article I, Section 8. No extension beyond those limited power is legitimate. No amendment can imply an extension of power without specifically amending Art. I, Sec. 8. It is the absolute defining limitations on federal power. Note that, unlike Obama’s desires, federal power is severely limited. The rest is left to the People and the States. Obama pined for a constitution that granted government unlimited powers. A true authoritarian’s pipe dream. Always fails every time its tried.

With deliberately dumbed-down citizens not understanding the limits on federal power, those limits can more easily be extended.

Now our Constitution can more easily be disrespected and treated as a document “written by a bunch of old white men”. What the poorly-educated who spout such nonsense fail to understand is that our Constitution is rooted in timeless principles that do not change over time. Principles are, by their very nature, timeless. Freedom. Individual rights. Individual responsibilities. Equality of opportunity, not results. Merit.

It’s all in the Preamble to our Constitution:

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Note that the phrase “promote the general welfare” as used here (and in Article I, Section 8, powers of government) means “well-being” which is not its distorted meaning when referring to charity or government handouts to “those in need” nor does it refer to health care. Indeed, our Constitution does not provide any federal power to engage in welfare of any kind as we know it today. The federal government has no role in education. And the notion of “foreign aid” as it is routinely doled out today is obscene. Cabinet level positions for welfare, education, and foreign aid are obscene distortions created by authoritarians seeking ever-greater power.

Not one penny of foreign aid should be allowed when our nation is in debt! We desperately need an amendment to prohibit any foreign aid when our budget is in deficit. Only a very limited (maximum of less than 10%) of any surplus should be allowed to flow to foreign aid. What the People are allowing their Congress to do is absolutely insane and is leading the nation to insolvency and financial/economic collapse that will ultimately doom our Constitutional Republic to oblivion.

What authoritarians couldn’t get by bullets, they’ve achieved by taking over education, news media, political power... and lying their way to even greater power. Censorship reigns supreme in the land of freedom. Think about that.

And their bold moves to hold onto and increase power will be coming in the next 13 months. Be assured of that.

The right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure cannot be abridged by any Congress… yet that is what the authoritarians will do when they believe necessity requires. Their necessity. The seizing and holding of absolute power. And it isn’t likely to originate with this Congress because it will arise through the corrupted DoJ and DoD working in concert to suppress the People. Their foreign army is already in place.

We just don’t call them “soldiers”… we naïvely call them “illegal immigrants” and move on to the football scores.

The 2024 election will tell.

Bob Webster
WEBCommentary (Editor, Publisher)

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Biography - Bob Webster

Author of "Looking Out the Window", an evidence-based examination of the "climate change" issue, Bob Webster, is a 12th-generation descendent of both the Darte family (Connecticut, 1630s) and the Webster family (Massachusetts, 1630s). He is a descendant of Daniel Webster's father, Revolutionary War patriot Ebenezer Webster, who served with General Washington. Bob has always had a strong interest in early American history, our Constitution, U.S. politics, and law. Politically he is a constitutional republican with objectivist and libertarian roots. He has faith in the ultimate triumph of truth and reason over deception and emotion. He is a strong believer in our Constitution as written and views the abandonment of constitutional restraint by the regressive Progressive movement as a great danger to our Republic. His favorite novel is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and believes it should be required reading for all high school students so they can appreciate the cost of tolerating the growth of unconstitutional crushingly powerful central government. He strongly believes, as our Constitution enshrines, that the interests of the individual should be held superior to the interests of the state.

A lifelong interest in meteorology and climatology spurred his strong interest in science. Bob earned his degree in Mathematics at Virginia Tech, graduating in 1964.

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