Topic category: Other/General
John McCain’s “Reverend Wright Moment”
As the Hillary/Obama melee continues, America is increasingly able to see their politically fatal flaws. Polling of recent weeks has clearly shown that, despite all of the pathetically transparent media hype for Barack Obama, the public would gladly opt instead for a candidate who could be counted on to uphold the values and mores of traditional America.
By this reason alone can the sudden surges in John McCain’s polling numbers be explained. Bearing little or no correlation to his campaign activities, they receive a boost with each ensuing clash between Clinton and Obama. Yet it is apparently beyond the Arizona Senator’s comprehension that his current “popularity” has absolutely nothing to do with him.
As it was in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania Primary two weeks ago, the latest results from both the Indiana and North Carolina Primaries leave sufficient wiggle room for both candidates to claim legitimacy, momentum, or some similar basis on which to continue the fight. This should be good for Republicans. This should pave the way for a GOP “slam dunk” come November. But John McCain seems determined for it to be otherwise.
Castigating the North Carolina Republican Party two weeks ago for merely tying their state’s Democrat gubernatorial candidates to Obama’s spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright, he saw his numbers slump dramatically in polling that matched him directly against either Hillary or Obama. Though he eventually backed down, he had shown his true colors, which reveal him to be far more willing to rebuke Republicans and conservatives as “out of touch,” than to level any criticism against the Democrats. And he is at it again.
This latest debacle reminds real Americans that John McCain holds no allegiance to them, and for some reason (other than that he might possibly hold the nation in as complete contempt as does Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright), inexplicably intends to sacrifice the entire future of this country in a fruitless effort to appeal to the open borders lobby.
In a speech delivered on Friday, May 1, McCain telegraphed his sympathies to illegal immigrant advocacy groups, who demand amnesty as a means of vastly enlarging their political beachhead in this country. It is from that enhanced position of strength that they plan to overwhelm any future efforts to protect and uphold the integrity of America as a sovereign nation.
On display once again was McCain’s insidious disloyalty to this nation and the insincerity of his tepid promise to repair the nation’s shattered southern border. The meager lip service given to America on this topic is intended only as a means of momentarily deflecting criticism. Yet his real loyalties, his real heart, is either with those who seek an unending stream of incoming illegals so as to maintain a permanent American underclass, or the foreign entities who seriously intend to encroach and ultimately eradicate traditional America.
If the last statement seems overly shrill, consider the latest news on John McCain. On May 5, he announced his intention to attend the national convention of the organization “La Raza,” to be held in San Diego California on July 14. Throughout its existence, La Raza has acted as a front group for the illegal insurgency, intimidating its opponents with threats of legal actions, and generally seeking on every front to silence its critics.
Only last year, La Raza imposed a boycott on Kansas City Missouri, where its 2007 convention was to be held. Its justification for doing so was that Frances Semler, a member of the Kansas City Park Board, had been a participant in the Minuteman organization, whose goal is to secure the U.S./Mexico border. La Raza sought to insert itself into the workings of an American civil governing body, in order to marginalize a lawfully appointed citizen with whom they disagreed.
The ongoing criticism of Democrat candidate Barack Obama, as a result of his relationship to black separatist “Pastor” Jeremiah Wright, is completely valid. But Wright at least showed the good sense to mask the real intentions of his Balkanizing ministry under the euphemistic banner of “Trinity United Church of Christ.”
The membership of La Raza apparently feels sufficiently emboldened that it sees no need for such pretense. Its very name translates as “The Race.” And among its other intentions, the group seeks to implement a “reconquista” of a major portion of the American West. Were these saner times, its presence and its actions would be universally recognized as seditious.
Perhaps the best parallel to La Raza in scope and tactics is the furtive Muslim advocacy group known as the “Council on American Islamic Relations,” or CAIR. Both organizations represent the congealing malignancies of anti-American interests who abuse the freedoms, once bought with the blood of patriots and sealed by the foresight of the Founding Fathers, in order to trample the rights of decent Americans who might get in their way. And both have ties to overtly anti-American and often illegal individuals and groups outside the country.
Nonetheless, the same John McCain who refuses to associate himself with those who might use Barack Hussein Obama’s middle name in vain, plans to attend the La Raza convention in July.
Blinded by his arrogance, John McCain does not seem capable of appreciating the precarious position he occupies. Were his name “none of the above,” he would likely be polling just as well against either Hillary or Obama. But his forays into the tedious Republican practice of “broadening the base” by cozying up to the opposition have never resulted in anything but harm to conservatism, the Republican Party, and his own political standing.
If John McCain believes he can force-feed the bile of his open borders thinking onto traditional America, he will learn the hard way that America has no intention of being led down this dangerous path by him. Conservatives who desperately hoped for something worthwhile to come from McCain are being reminded once gain of just who he is. And if he persists, they will utterly abandon him.
Christopher G. Adamo
Biography - Christopher G. Adamo
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.