Topic category: Government/Politics
How the Union Leader Is Helping the Obama Re-election Campaign
Given the sexual harassments settlements involving Herman Cain and the women who is claiming to have had inappropriate relations with the then (and still) married Cain over thirteen years, it's readily understandable that the Manchester Union Leader, New Hampshire's paper of record, did not endorse his presidential campaign.
But...publisher Joseph W. McQuaid's recent endorsement of Newt Gingrich is perplexing and Team Obama is thrilled.
Like other human beings, Mitt Romney isn't perfect, but he has the executive experience and business expertise that the times demand, his marital fidelity over four decades is not in question and Ann Romney would be a great First Lady.
McQuaid's willingness to overlook Gingrich's history of marital infidelity and willingness to take Freddie Mac money instead of to blow the whistle on it is very disappointing.
McQuaid is supposed to be better than that.
McQuaid smartly said a number of right things...and then reached the wrong conclusion.
"America is at a crucial crossroads."
"It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next year."
Right. We need to undo the damage down by the stealth socialist in the White House and America can't afford for the next Republican presidential candidate to lose.
"We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing."
Wrong. We are in critical need of innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership, but scandal-tainted, twice divorced Gingrich monopoly on that and he has shown that he should not be trusted to keep his vows to his wife or to put America's best interests ahead of his own pecuniary interest.
"We sympathize with the many people we have heard from, both here and across the country, who remain unsure of their choice this close to the primary. It is understandable. Our nation is in peril, yet much of the attention has been focused on fluff, silliness and each candidate's minor miscues."
Unfortunately, Gingrich's problems are not "silliness" or "minor miscues."
Character still counts and Gingrich's character is much too flawed for a President. He may be genuinely penitent, but that doesn't mean he should be entrusted with the Presidency of the United States.
In debates this year Gingrich dismissed "right-wing social engineering" as a bad thing and treated legalization of the status of persons who have been in the United States illegally for 25 years as the family values thing to do.
After the Age of Obama, it will be essential, and that Age must be limited to four years.
"Truth be known, many in the liberal media are belittling the Republican candidates because they don't want any of them to be taken as a serious challenger to their man, Obama."
Right. But criticisms should be considered on their individual merits, not cavalierly dismissed as politics as usual, some are valid, and, truth be known, Team Obama would be delighted if the 68-year old Gingrich becomes the next Republican presidential nominee.
"Readers of the Union Leader and Sunday News know that we don't back candidates based on popularity polls or big-shot backers. We look for conservatives of courage and conviction who are independent-minded, grounded in their core beliefs about this nation and its people, and best equipped for the job."
The upcoming presidential election is too important for Republicans to nominate a candidate who cannot win.
"Newt Gingrich is by no means the perfect candidate."
Right, and that is understatement and a way to avoid addressing Gingrich's many flaws.
"...Republican primary voters too often make the mistake of preferring an unattainable ideal to the best candidate who is actually running."
Best VIABLE candidate, as the late William F. Buckley, Jr. wisely urged.
"In this incredibly important election, that candidate is Newt Gingrich."
Right about the election, wrong about Gingrich. He is not the best candidate for the times OR viable.
"[Gingrich] has the experience, the leadership qualities and the vision to lead this country in these trying times. He is worthy of your support on January 10."
Wrong. The twice divorced Gingrich is not worthy. He resigned his Speakership in disgrace and now he's trying to make his own "Monica Lewinsky" the next First Lady. Chutzpah is no substitute for demonstrated good character.
Michael J. Gaynor
Biography - Michael J. Gaynor
Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member.
Gaynor graduated magna cum laude, with Honors in Social Science, from Hofstra University's New College, and received his J.D. degree from St. John's Law School, where he won the American Jurisprudence Award in Evidence and served as an editor of the Law Review and the St. Thomas More Institute for Legal Research. He wrote on the Pentagon Papers case for the Review and obscenity law for The Catholic Lawyer and edited the Law Review's commentary on significant developments in New York law.
The day after graduating, Gaynor joined the Fulton firm, where he focused on litigation and corporate law. In 1997 Gaynor and Emily Bass formed Gaynor & Bass and then conducted a general legal practice, emphasizing litigation, and represented corporations, individuals and a New York City labor union. Notably, Gaynor & Bass prevailed in the Second Circuit in a seminal copyright infringement case, Tasini v. New York Times, against newspaper and magazine publishers and Lexis-Nexis. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed, 7 to 2, holding that the copyrights of freelance writers had been infringed when their work was put online without permission or compensation.
Gaynor currently contributes regularly to,,, and and has contributed to many other websites. He has written extensively on political and religious issues, notably the Terry Schiavo case, the Duke "no rape" case, ACORN and canon law, and appeared as a guest on television and radio. He was acknowledged in Until Proven Innocent, by Stuart Taylor and KC Johnson, and Culture of Corruption, by Michelle Malkin. He appeared on "Your World With Cavuto" to promote an eBay boycott that he initiated and "The World Over With Raymond Arroyo" (EWTN) to discuss the legal implications of the Schiavo case. On October 22, 2008, Gaynor was the first to report that The New York Times had killed an Obama/ACORN expose on which a Times reporter had been working with ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief.
Gaynor's email address is