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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  September 24, 2008
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Some Things Never Change

There have not been many times I have done a review of an Emmy Show, actually never. However, the 2008 effort was so bad, getting the lowest ratings ever, that I decided I would try to help out the producers, actors, and any others associated with this yawner.

Up front I confess that I did not see the whole thing. Please, there is just so much a person can take. However, I saw that Josh Groban was going to appear. He is a favorite singer of mine, so I kept going in and out of the program, trying to catch the moment he might sing. That put me watching at the times of the political insults of many of these actors.

Tip to actors: probably about half, (that is 50-50), of the people who tuned in are conservatives. Yeah, it says so in the polls. (Update: make that former conservative Emmy watchers.) A quick look at elementary economics tells you that you are insulting half of the customers. Didn’t your Momma or a shopkeeper tell you that “the customer is always right”? There is also a little law that says that the customer does not have to do business with you and can just go down the street. No other competition across the street? Au contraire, there was a big competitor called football. And, they don’t yell at the people in the stands and tell them they are stupid, at least not about their politics.

Hollywood types have tried to bring back the glamour that once was. They clean themselves up and the women wear long dresses. The guys even look presentable, with their mostly uniform look of black suits. Some even shave. There seems to be a big competition with the gals as to who can show the most skin. How much farther can that go? Emmy will surely let us know.

Sexual innuendo is big, also. It reminds you of the six-year olds who have just found some new words. They then compete to say the words the most and the loudest. The kiddos taunt each other with “poo-poo” and “doo-doo” until Mom comes along and stops it. Where was Mom when you needed her?

The Emmys tried nostalgia. It was pitiful. In fact, Josh Groban was used in something of the sort, forcing him to sing snatches of songs that somebody thought people in the dark ages of Hollywood actually liked. What a waste of talent. What were you thinking, Josh, using your wonderful and classy voice this way?

But, that wasn’t all. A take-off on the truly wacky and funny “Laugh In” was tried.Good idea; terrible rendition. A tribute was made to Tommy Smothers. Why? Because he was counter-culture, and someone had been waiting lots of years for payback. I always thought his stumbling and incoherent ramblings were just his shtick. He spoke. Turns out it wasn’t shtick. Tommy opined that there was nothing scarier than watching “ignorance in action”. This without a hint of irony.

So, alas, ratings are in the pits. More advice is in order. Most people are not impressed by pontificating from actors. After all, actors get paid to memorize somebody else’s lines and deliver them. They can have do-overs if they don’t get it right the first time, or the second, or………

And, who was that impersonating Alec Baldwin? Didn’t Alec go overseas after the last election, as promised, because his guy didn’t win? Did Barbra Streisand say the same thing? And, Howie Mandel has a good thing going with “Deal..No Deal”. Before “Deal” Howie was going nowhere. How come he wants to insult a lot of his audience? Wonder if his sponsors know he is alienating some of their customers.

The true Hollywood of years past was run more efficiently. The studios recognized that their customers wanted entertainment, not necessarily the off-screen type. The stars were possibly just as morally challenged, but the studios kept it under wraps. Thus, movie goers were not treated to druggies going in and out of rehab, multiple divorces, messy liaisons and starlets baring their lack of underwear. Of course, libs would call that censorship. I call it good housekeeping.

One of the most common complaints about Hollywood is that they are hypocrites. They whine about global warming and chastise those who like big cars and houses. They then climb into their stretch limousines and head for their twenty-room mansions. There was little or no mention of what is on the minds of many people today. That is the economic meltdown. Of course, they do not have to worry about it, except to maybe send the third limo back. They are out of touch. Even worse, they are not good at entertaining, which is their business. Ho-hum, another Emmy, another bore.

Some things never change.

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

Read other commentaries by Barbara Anderson.

Copyright © 2008 by Barbara Anderson
All Rights Reserved.

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