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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  October 30, 2008
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Michael Savage Reveals "Psychological Nudity"

Michael Savage has a new book out called “Psychological Nudity”. This is a catchy title for his gathering of stories about his life. They bare glimpses of what makes him tick.

Since Savage will probably not be getting a good review from the “New York Times“, (which he calls the “Old York Times”), this book deserves one, so here it is. Other newspapers will also not be reviewing his book favorably. Maybe this is why they are sinking like a rock in their readership numbers. People recognize quality and truth when they see it.

In this book of eclectic stories you will find humor and pathos, given equal time. Many are about a boy growing up, finding about and fighting for, his way through life. We find out about his father, who seemed to always be trying to toughen him up, to make a man of him. We read the poignant story of Savage’s brother, of which he had written little until recent months. His beloved Mama is there, and we embrace her for the mother she was, always encouraging, always protecting him.

Indeed, his first story involves "The Electric Blue Saddle-Stitched Pants”. Savage wanted those pants badly. It was probably considered a frivolous purchase, because money was tight, but he wanted them. No doubt his mother did some wheedling, as mothers do, to get those pants for him. Unfortunately, in a scuffle with a boy wearing the very same pants, they were ripped. This was a very serious development. He was pretty sure he was going to be in trouble. Instead, his mother enlisted the advice of “the women” to get a solution. It was decided that the precious pants could be weaved back to perfection. His father did not have to know. All was well.

What was operating was a sisterhood of mothers who look out for their kids. They protect them as well as they can, physically and psychologically. Savage muses, however, if his Mama knew what a “cardio-toxic” diet she was giving him, day after day. He wonders if the “women of her generation were doing it on purpose, to get rid of the males?”

Along with the rich foods his Mama served, he also was urged to get some color. “Go, go, go. Get in the sun. Get some color.” How many ended up with cancer, helped along by a well-meaning and doting mother?

So described were two stories of Savage’s book: “Savage’s Childhood Diet: Prescription for a Heart Attack” and “Sunburn Story: Viagra Wasn’t Around Then (Thankfully)”. How did he tie in sunburn and Viagra? Read the book.

Savage’s titles are tantalizing, as a good writer’s should be. You just have to read “Dead Man’s Pants”. It seems he has a story about many of the people he met in his early life, but also along the way. He writes about “Sam the Butcher”, “Woodchuck Bill”, “The Chestnut Man” “One-Armed Frank”, “Louie and His Crazed Monkey” and many others.

Those who turn to Savage for his insights into current affairs and political doings, will not get so much of it in this book. He discusses issues such as “Republicans Should Treat Voters Like Customers in Restaurants“. Conservative Republicans know what he is talking about. The only time the Republican Party pays any attention to them is when they send out mailings asking for money.

It is worth the price of the book just to read “Election Results, Year 2000 and Lexus Liberals”. Savage’s descriptions of the Lexus Liberals is right on and stated as only he can do it. They are “Lost to their religion; fervent in their unbelief. “Save the DNC, their new religion.” Corn beef commies; buffet Bolsheviks; jogging jokesters---stuck in Camelot fantasies. Kennedy, their last idol; Hillary, their personal Evita; Bill, their shameless shaygitz; Tipper, their tipsy donut; Al, their Shabbos goy.” Who else writes like that?

Al Gore gets Savage’s attention in “Debunking Man-Induced ‘Global Warming’”. He points out that: “Less than half of published scientists endorse global warming theory”. He says that doesn‘t stop “charlatans like Al Gore from endorsing global warming theory”.

The liberals that run San Francisco fall into his target range often. He has a story called “Plastic Bags Banned in San Francisco, But Not Condoms”. He points out, logically, “So plastic isn’t biodegradable. Then how come they distribute condoms in San Francisco like M&Ms? Aren’t those made of plastic? You’re telling me that condoms don’t sit in landfills for 20,000 years? You see the hypocrisy and stupidity?” Surely, those in control of San Francisco are the epitome of the condition Savage exposed in his popular book “Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder”.

One of the most controversial of Savage’s programs was about autism. He discusses this in his final chapter “Afterword: The Autism Storm”. It was a painful discussion, but one of the most enlightening ones ever heard on the air. Some of those with children falling into that spectrum felt that he had dismissed their concerns about this condition. He set it straight, that was not his intention, but that he felt compassion and concern. It was then that he revealed that he had a brother, Jerome, who was born blind and deaf and unable to hold himself up.

In his book Savage writes that Jerome was given away when he was five. The “doctor” assured the parents that it was best to give him away. Savage recalled that: “After he was gone, the little apartment became more silent than when the silent boy was there. For years afterward I would sneak into the dresser drawer where my mother preserved his little clothing and eyeglasses (they tried to see if they would work). I would hold one of his laundered shirts to my nose, pressing the fabric right into my nostrils to glean a few molecules of his scent. I even wore his glasses, making the room all blurry. My brother! They took him away”.

Savage lets us see deeply into his anguish. Psychological nudity, indeed.

There are seventy-five stories in this book; all have a moral to them. All have a point to them. Savage is always watching, always talking, always writing, always teaching. He has taken us along for the ride.

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

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Copyright © 2008 by Barbara Anderson
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