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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  November 12, 2008
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The Pink Fascists

"We just want to be treated with respect." "We just want people to quit looking down on us." "We just want to be left alone." "We just want to be safe in our persons and our surroundings." Thus spoke the homosexuals to the majority of Americans. And, Americans responded with respect and care, as they always do. Americans are tolerant, unlike the ugly picture painted by the "mainstream media". All the civil rights causes would have failed if it were not that Americans are tolerant. Those causes had freedom of speech and assembly, which furthered their desires. Those groups that became violent against them was a small minority, which was nullified and failed.

Fast forward.

In a story by Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily on November 10, 2008, we see “Watch church lady meet same-sex ‘marriage’, protesters.”

Bob Unruh reports that “An angry mob of homosexual activists in Southern California attacked an elderly bespectacled woman carrying a cross then shouted her down during a live TV interview as she tried to explain to a reporter her defense of the state’s new marriage amendment.”

“WE SHOULD FIGHT! WE SHOULD FIGHT!” screams one protester as the woman, identified as Phyllis Burgess, stands calmly with a reporter waiting to be interviewed.”

The story goes on to describe how Burgess had barely arrived when the cross was knocked from her hand then stomped on the ground. This is an assault on the little woman, and destruction of her own private property. The violence of knocking the cross from her hand, aside from the assault on her religious rights, could have very easily knocked this slight woman to the ground, also. There seemed to be little restraint by the big bullies in her face. If we did not live in the politically correct age, this would have been a hate crime. However, hate crimes apparently cannot be committed by the left.

Gay pride? There is no pride in trying to intimidate an eighty-year old lady. There is no pride in showing hatred in your stance toward her. There is no pride in trashing other people’s property. There is certainly no pride in destroying churches and icons held sacred by those who happen to disagree with you.

This showed the immaturity of some of the gay community. Like brats that don’t get their way, they threw a tantrum.

Was there any doubt in your mind about the allegiance of Governor Schwartzenegger? No longer. He encouraged the gays to keep trying to overcome Proposition 8, “because this will go back to the courts”. It doesn’t matter that the citizens of California took the correct route of getting a state constitutional amendment, which defined marriage between one man and one woman. Run to the courts, get a tiny sliver of people to give you your way. This is not only undemocratic, it is cynical to the max.

About the same time as the was happening, on November 11, 2008, Catholic League president Bill Donohue issued a report titled “Gay Fascists Storm Church”:

“On Sunday, November 9, a band of about 30 gays stormed a church in Lansing, Michigan. Some were well dressed and were stationed inside Mount Hope Church; others were outside dressed in pink and black. This group of self-described homosexual anarchists, Bash Back!, claims the evangelical church is guilty of ‘transphobia and homophobia‘”.

The protesters outside the church were beating on buckets, shouting “Jesus was a homo” on a megaphone and carrying an upside-down pink cross. Fire alarms went off inside the church, protesters stormed the pulpit and a huge rainbow-colored flag was unfurled with the inscription, “IT’S OKAY TO BE GAY! BASH BACK!” The church was vandalized, obscenities were shouted and worshippers were confronted. There were no arrests.”

Donohue addressed this issue:

“The real story here is the refusal of the mainstream media to cover what is surely one of the most disturbing events of 2008. If an organized group of gay bashers stormed a gay church, there is not a single sentient person in the United States who wouldn’t know about it.

“This is urban fascism come to America’s heartland. It must be quickly stopped before it gets out of control. We are contacting Mike Cox, the Attorney General of Michigan, calling for an investigation”.

Donahue has experience with these thugs. Catholic churches have been targeted many times. This time it was an evangelical church and Donahue showed solidarity with its members.

Notice there were no arrests, not even for the very evident trespassing, at the very least.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are saying:

“We just want to be treated with respect.” “We just want people to quit looking down on us.” “We just want to be left alone.” “We just want to be safe in our persons and our surroundings.”

Will the gay community be as tolerant of these wishes as the American community at large has been toward them?

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

Read other commentaries by Barbara Anderson.

Copyright © 2008 by Barbara Anderson
All Rights Reserved.

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