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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  January 11, 2009
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A Deadly Indifference

With the start of a new Congress the issue of amnesty arises, this time with more emphasis and a more likely chance that amnesty will be given.

Outraged citizens have so far blocked amnesty, at one point even burning up the wires of Congress, letting it know in no uncertain terms that no amnesty was acceptable, no way, no time. Now that representatives have been safely re-elected, however, the drumbeat for amnesty continues, this time with a Democrat majority that wants amnesty. Democrats know that those given amnesty will vote overwhelmingly for them, since they offer citizenship to those who are illegal aliens, and their families. Nobody knows just how many that may be, since nobody is allowed to inquire as to a questionable citizenship. Estimates run from twelve million to as high as twenty-five million.

Aside from the financial drain on society, this looking the other way has been deadly to some of our citizens. V.O.I.A.C. (Victims of Illegal Alien Crime) estimates that twenty-five people per day are killed by illegal aliens, those who should never have been here in the first place. V.O.I.A.C. also reminds us of the victims that paid the ultimate price, because the people we charge to protect us have not done so.

A few of these victims were outlined:

“On October 9, 2006, Amy Kortlang, 22, of Ramona, CA, was killed by Rafael Ramirez Perez, a drunk driving, illegal alien with four prior DUI convictions and who had been previously deported….”

(This is the revolving door that is left almost wide open on our Southern border. Apparently, Perez had little trouble in crossing and re-crossing this border.)

According to witnesses, Perez was driving recklessly before he fatally injured Amy Kortlang.

….”The truck clipped two sport utility vehicles, causing them to crash into each other and then slammed head-on into the southbound car driven by Kortlang.”

…..”Perez abandoned his vehicle and fled on foot. Investigators tracked down Perez through the registered owner of the truck, MK Concrete company in Ramona. They identified the driver and Sheriff’s detectives arrested Perez hours after the accident.”

(This is often the pattern of illegal aliens involved with traffic accidents. Many citizens have been victims of lesser crimes, but the driver speeds off and is never identified. The burden of tending to anyone hurt, or making insurance reports, or paying for the accident, is left up to the victims, themselves. The crimes are also not reported, because, not being detectives, it is just too much trouble to try to track down the offenders. Leaving the scene of an accident, especially one as serious as this immediately appeared to be, is a cowardly act.)

….”Lauren Mack, spokeswoman for I.C.E., said Perez was handed over to immigration officials earlier this year, after serving time for the drunken driving conviction, and was deported to Mexico in March, 2006.

“Obviously, he came back, Mack said."

“Amy Kortlang had just celebrated her 22nd birthday prior to the accident. A licensed cosmetologist, she had just moved into her own apartment. ‘She was a beautiful, beautiful, good, girl, said her mother Melanie Kortlang, ‘who was just beginning life‘.”

…..”She also wants to know how the illegal immigrant arrested for murder after the collision could be here despite previous charges and deportation, Kortlang said.”

“MK Concrete agreed to pay almost $450,000 to resolve a lawsuit over the crash that killed Amy Kortlang.”

(What’s a daughter worth? No amount being offered could come close. How much is having dinner with your daughter, celebrating achievements, attending a wedding, cuddling grandchildren, worth?)>p>

…..”Perez said he thinks his former employer, Mark Kackstetter, the owner of MK Concrete, should also be held responsible, because his former boss never checked his background. ‘He never asked me if I had a license‘, Perez said. ‘I know I was driving the truck and my history and everything, maybe if he would taken the extra time he would have saved two lives from going down the hill’.”

(Yes, if, if, if. If the border had been secure, maybe the illegal alien would not have been able to cross so easily, and even re-enter after having been deported. Maybe if those responsible for reporting on the presence of an illegal alien had done their jobs, maybe if the concrete owner had done the easy check for those here illegally, but maybe if Perez, himself had not broken our laws several times, and if he had not been intoxicated that day, if….if….if. So many share the blame for destroying the life of a lovely girl, denying her a chance to live out her whole potential.)

V.O.I.A.C . profiles another killing:

“On June 16, 2000, the Inman family, Kathy, husband, and son Dustin, 16, were in route for a weekend of fishing in the North Georgia mountains. As they were stopped at a red light in Ellijay, Georgia, the speeding vehicle driven by illegal alien Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez, slammed into the rear of the Inman family’s car at an estimated 62 miles per hour killing Dustin and knocking Kathy and Billy comatose.”

“When Kathy Inman regained consciousness after five weeks in a coma, she learned of the death of her son and that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Both Kathy and Billy were so severely injured and couldn’t attend their son’s funeral. Not too long after the accident, Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez escaped from a hospital and was never arrested.”

“A Gilmer country Georgia grand jury indicted Gonzalez on vehicular homicide and serious injury by a vehicle. He remained at large until captured by the Birmingham Police Dept in late 2005. Despite being in the United States illegally, Harrell-Gonzalez was able to obtain a valid North Carolina driver’s license using his Mexican birth certificate and a Mexican Matricula Consular ID card.”

(Mexican Matricula Consular cards are given out freely by the Mexican officials located in many of our cities. They are only needed by those here illegally, as those here legally have valid documents that identify them as such.)

“Billy Inman will tell you that he blames the government sworn to protect him and his family for his son’s death more than he blames the illegal alien who killed him. As a result they created the Dustin Inman Society to ‘Secure American Borders - Enforce America’s Laws’

Perhaps no other individual has been as dedicated as D.A. King of Georgia. He has been in the trenches of this issue of illegal immigration, doing everything he can to see that our laws are obeyed. He does battle daily with those who are determined that our borders be left open and that all the rights of citizenship be bestowed on those who have broken into our country. King is one of several, including groups, who have so far, kept amnesty from going to the illegal aliens.

Daneen G. Peterson Ph.D. has been in the forefront of this battle, also, and has followed its logical end to the movement to merge the U.S. into a union with Canada and Mexico, aka the North American Union. Her site, which is arguably the most complete on this subject, is

Arrayed on their side are NumbersUSA, Alipac, V-Dare, American Patrol, Federation for American Immigration Reform, United Patriots of America, Center for Immigration Studies, Americans for Legal Immigration, and others.

They get their funding mostly from individuals who are alarmed at seeing their country being invaded. Their contributions are usually relatively small.

On the other side are groups such as La Raza, MECHA, MALDEF, and others. Some of their donors are, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, A T & T Foundation, John & Catherine T. Mac Arthur Foundation, David & Lucille Packard Foundation, Verizon Foundation, and joined many times by the ACLU.

Also, groups such as La Raza (The Race) lobby Congress and report that they have received $5 millions per year in federal grants and almost another $14 millions of dollars per year in other grants to forward their causes. Since they lobby exclusively for their own race, is this not racist?

Do you see a scenario of David vs. Goliath here?

As the Democrat Congress gears up to put amnesty over the top, David may be our only hope. He could sure use some more slingshots.

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

Read other commentaries by Barbara Anderson.

Copyright © 2009 by Barbara Anderson
All Rights Reserved.

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