The gang of eight is trying to cram through its agenda of amnesty. We are not privy to the proceedings; no one knows what will come out. Do you think they should be allowed to give you no information, and expect you to give them amnesty?
The gang of eight is trying to cram through its agenda of amnesty. We are not privy to the proceedings; no one knows what will come out. Do you think they should be allowed to give you no information, and expect you to give them amnesty?
Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Michael Bennet are working for the amnesty, while Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham. John McCain and Marco Rubio are doing their best work behind doors.
Obama's administration is advancing its plan by ignoring the Constitution, bypassing Congress and ignoring the American people. Ignoring the American people. If you knew what is in the amnesty would you support it?
Marco Rubio in his senate campaign, said "I will never support-never have and never will support-any effort to grant blanket legislation, amnesty to folks who have entered or stayed in this country illegally".
He also said: "I am strongly against amnesty for a number of reasons...the most important thing we need to do is enforce our existing laws. Nothing will make it harder to enforce existing laws" than to grant amnesty.
He also said that he would not grant amnesty unless the border was secure.
What made Rubio change his mind? His statements are very strong here.
In a speech at a dinner of La Raza (the Race), Lindsey Graham remarkably said : "We're going to tell the bigots to shut up" regarding amnesty. So, if you are against amnesty, you are a bigot.
Jeff Flake is a long-time supporter of amnesty. He has co-sponsored five amnesties as congressman.
John McCain has been an amnesty advocate in his career, except when he is running for office. When forced to make a stand on a fence, he said he would build a "goddammed fence."
The Border Patrol caught 1,874 people in a 150 square miles of border. In the Sonora Desert from October 1, 2012 - January 17, 2013 the system also identified an additional 1,962 who evaded arrest. The Border Control calls them "gotaways".
Millions of illegal aliens will receive amnesty once DHS submits a plan to Congress dictating how secure the border is. They only have to submit a plan. They don't have to follow the plan. This is 1986 all over again. They promised in 1986 that the border would be secure. Nothing happened, and that is why we are offering amnesty again.
Sheriff Paul Babeu writes:
"As you have seen all over the news, Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees in Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas were ordered by their administration to release 2,228
criminal illegals from custody. These criminal illegals are now living in neighborhoods throughout the United States. President Obama and Secretary Janet Napolitano denied any prior knowledge of their release but both have said all of those released were "low risk" and "non-violent detainees".
Does a criminal illegal detainee who is accused of committing a murder or those who have been charged and/or convicted with molesting young children, drug smuggling, cartel members, narcotics traffickers, those who commit forgery, weapons offenses, aggravated robbery, aggravated DUI or aggravated assault against peace officers sound like somebody who is "low risk" and "non-violent" to you. The answer is NO!!! This was yet another lie and cover up committed by the White House and Secretary Napolitano."
Enter the cartels. Jack Riley, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chicago, told the AP that today the push for the drug supply is "probably the most serious threat the United States has faced from organized crime." Riley also said "People think, the border's 1,700 miles away. This isn't our problem. Well, it is. These days we operate as if Chicago is on the border."
Richard Pearson, of the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department says: "This is the first time we've been seeing it - cartels who have their operatives actually sent here." He said at another time four alleged operatives of the Zetas cartel were arrested in November in the suburb of Okolona. The Zetas are the largest and the most brutal , violent cartel. We have seen beheadings by the Zetas.
Jim Chilton says:
"I think you should close the border and initiate dramatic immigration reform", he said. "We need a system where people can be employed. Show papers and employers respect the law and hire only documented people."
Sheriff Babeu states:
"Now they are trying supervised release for this some kind of sick joke? What incentive does an illegal have to report in to the authorities? What is the worst thing we can do to them - deport them? Obama can't even do that right! These criminals will commit serious crimes against our families, since they have no chance to work legally since many are convicted felons and they are illegals....therefore can't legally get a job. That means they will return to crime in order to survive."
Do you still think you are safe in the United States?
Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.
Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.
She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.