Lawrence Rosner
The Society Project (Founder)
Bio: Lawrence Rosner
Archives for 2024 :
Woah Nellie. To The leftist Democrats it's business as usual - Blame Republicans and lie about the Pork insanity (December 20, 2024)
Victor David Hansen summarizes the leftist disaster. (June 8, 2024)
WHO is no longer on first. (June 7, 2024)
US Humiliation Aid (May 28, 2024)
Are your political opinions your own? - Here is a test (May 15, 2024)
FBI sent those classified documents to mar-a-lago. A setup from the start! (April 29, 2024)
And God SAID let there be light. What does that mean? How is sound related to light? (April 28, 2024)
Saudi What Saudi author and media personality Rawaf al-Saeen thinks of Palestinians and their cause: (April 18, 2024)
Finally an explanation of what motivates leftists and Islamists (February 10, 2024)
If you needed any more proof that Biden is bought and paid for by China... (January 16, 2024)
Why Hunter Biden made a speech outside of Congress instead of showing up for his subpoena (January 11, 2024)
The proof is out there. (January 9, 2024)
Polio and terrorism brought to you from Afghanistan and Pakistan. (January 4, 2024)
Archives for 2023 :
The myth of the Ten Commandments being based on the laws of Hammurabi (December 6, 2023)
Riot at DNC by Jewish Voices for Peace who are NOT Jewish voices or for peace. (November 16, 2023)
2020 Election Integrity. No Evidence vs no proof. (October 28, 2023)
A prayer for the Hostages taken by "Radical" Islamic Monsters (October 9, 2023)
Obama and Biden responsible for "surprise" Iranian and Palestinian Anti-Semitic hate war on Israel (October 7, 2023)
Lib at Heart - To the Tune Of Sinatra's "Young at Heart" (September 22, 2023)
Sorry Anti-Semites, Haters and the biased whitewashing historians (August 29, 2023)
The last Straw (August 25, 2023)
Global warming? Tonga in Cheek (August 10, 2023)
Canadian Wildfires due to Climate Activists not climate change (June 15, 2023)
The debt ceiling falls mainly on your head. - Government debt is a stealth flat tax on every asset ("valued" in fed debt notes that is not a dollar) (May 30, 2023)
The distortion of the truth about DeSantis is unbecoming and a fake out (May 25, 2023)
Biden Admin illegal immigration policies facilitates forced Child Labor (April 10, 2023)
34 counts of the same weak case (April 4, 2023)
Who are the real slaves? Everyone. (March 22, 2023)
Anyone doing business with China or any Chinese with visas to the United States are Chinese agents (March 17, 2023)
Nothing to Bragg about in Trump Witch Hunt (March 16, 2023)
Ex-President and Anti-Semite Jimmy Carter put under hostage care at the former US embassy in Iran. (February 19, 2023)
It is Balloon err... Buffoon (February 17, 2023)
Biden terminates treaties to stem investment in the USA. (February 16, 2023)
"It is Balooooon!" - The Heck-are-we tribe of F Troop (February 6, 2023)
Archives for 2022 :
The Left Woke agenda for expanding the crisis at the border (December 28, 2022)
Simple solution to same sex marriage conflict. Get the government out of the bedroom (November 20, 2022)
Now I get why the Dems open borders and want illegals to be citizens. - It's not just the votes or cheap labor. Follow the money (November 17, 2022)
No such thing as Windfall Profits, inflation or paper "money". - Biden resurrects 1970's windfall profit scam (October 31, 2022)
How to stop Political Parties from Dividing us and ruining our Republic. (October 4, 2022)
Yes Bidi we are an existential threat to Democracy - Because the USA is NOT a democracy and Democrats have no place in our REPUBLIC! (September 8, 2022)
FBI digs themselves into another hole looking in the wrong place for Jimmy Hoffa's body. (July 24, 2022)
From "Be all that you can be" to "Be all woke identity in the army" (July 22, 2022)
Record Profits are only made by the record companies. Windfall profits only from Windmills. - Record profits are a Leftist lie that doesn't take Inflation (deflation of FED note value) into account (July 5, 2022)
The 10 Restrictive Amendments to the Constitution are the Bill of Constraints NOT the Bill of Rights - Plus the simple solution to Government Corruption...Eliminate ALL campaigns and spending of any money. (June 26, 2022)
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Fake news to bring you the fake president passing gas. - Dems earn the Puke Green medal in the Olympic twisting of reality and synchronized sliming competition. (June 22, 2022)
In a few years we MAY have accurate climate data. All prior conclusions are without meaning based on inadequate data. (June 21, 2022)
Edward Teller - The father of the hydrogen bomb tells us the the USA had UFO technology (May 27, 2022)
Announced Budget of the insane Democrat Dictatorship 5.8 TRILLION dollars!!!!! - Massive redistribution of wealth. AKA Theft. Everyone except the rulers will pay. (March 28, 2022)
Nazis in Ukraine? Could Putin be telling the truth? (March 11, 2022)
Ras-Putin the crazed dictator of Russia bombed the grandmother Ravine - Babi Yar (March 3, 2022)
Sodom and Gomorrah found. (February 24, 2022)
The deadline for war in Ukraine made up by the Dems passed yesterday and Viola no invasion (February 17, 2022)
New propaganda from the Libbies MISSES completely the actual pronunciation of Kiev (February 10, 2022)
Has Anyone figured into their calculations... (February 4, 2022)
There is no such thing as inflation and there is no money in circulation - Prices are not increasing if you look at the pennies (January 20, 2022)
Archives for 2021 :
Electric Vehicles Tire Out the Oceans with micro-plastics. (November 23, 2021)
The method behind the alleged Biden madness - In a word...China. (November 22, 2021)
Why are 78 percent of Black and African Americans refusing vaccination? (October 19, 2021)
Colin Powell dies of MULTIPLE MYELOMA Blood Cancer (October 18, 2021)
Once again the left is murdering patients with their mandates (October 17, 2021)
Coinage and Cryptocurrency or Paper IOU Fed Notes. What is money? - Should it be Based on mining labor or debt for government spending and taxing? (October 15, 2021)
Why are the Chinese paying Biden? (October 4, 2021)
Afghanistan - failure or Success - Failure to America. Success to the Chinese and the Taliban. (August 21, 2021)
Delta Dawn what's that masking you have done? - Could it be a case of swabbing up your nose? (July 24, 2021)
In Honor of July 4th Independence day and the men and women of our armed forces (July 4, 2021)
Ban-Ki Moons Israel yet again (July 3, 2021)
Germany admits to concentration camps and Holocaust of two tribes in Africa between 1904 and 1908 (June 22, 2021)
The ultimate in Wacky Woke - Woke Enviro-Mental Activists cancel themselves (June 18, 2021)
Eric Clapton Speaking out on Freedom from Government Propaganda and Tyranny (June 15, 2021)
MarsMallow - Chinese fluff propaganda released of supposed Chinese landing of rover on Mars (May 25, 2021)
Ocasiso, Biden the Democrats and the all the Lefty Jew haters try to halt US weapon sales to Israel (May 20, 2021)
All Democrat voters bear responsibility for the weak Biden leftist Admin causing war in Israel by Iranian Proxy Hamas and the Faux Palestinians (May 13, 2021)
Disney forces Racial equity and critical race theory on Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck (May 10, 2021)
Another Jewish Woman named Halimi tortured and thrown out her window to her death. (April 18, 2021)
The Muslim Nazi Soldiers are back Harassing and Killing Jews in France (April 17, 2021)
Jews not Chinese are responsible for Covid-19. This libel spreads faster than COVID itself. (April 16, 2021)
Malaria vaccine builds on Trump Warp speed effort (March 2, 2021)
The Times publishes How the left Protected (stole) the election (February 18, 2021)
It's Official. Prez Biden is actually a Jeff Dunham Ventriloquist Dummy (January 12, 2021)
The good German is among us (January 7, 2021)
Archives for 2020 :
B. Hussein Obama's New Book misleads readers and lies about Israeli and Jewish history (December 3, 2020)
Democrat Chris Wallace merged with Chris Matthews to create Chris Malice. (November 8, 2020)
Joe B. became an accidental Prophet when he called President Trump, George Bush. - Biden's Freudian slip correctly predicted this similarity to Bush V Gore (November 7, 2020)
Elizabeth Warren (Pochontas) wants to be Treasury Secretary - I find that funny because according to her professed ancestry (October 30, 2020)
Ever Wonder how Democrats can Blatantly say things that Fly in the face of reality? - They are ALIENS ... from INNER Space and may not realize they are lying. (October 25, 2020)
Perspective on Leftist insanity over virus - Put a Stock in it. (October 23, 2020)
New Jersey forced ballot Mail in leave voters out. Bulk scanning is not working. - Manual scan is not anonymous and subject to corruption. BTW Did you see the ballot initiatives? (October 17, 2020)
Joy in Mud-slinging-ville. Casey Joe ISN'T at bat! (October 2, 2020)
WARNING: NY City residents, DO NOT get tested for Covid-19 unless you have symptoms - The Leftist Mayor will shut your community down, especially if Orthodox Jewish. (September 25, 2020)
We cannot directly prove that God created us. (September 8, 2020)
POTUS calls Vietnam a "Stupid War" and those who served willingly "Suckers"? - Current Hearsay used against the President in current Democrat party's "Stupid war" (September 5, 2020)
A college education assures a compliant citizen. - Tyranny is safety. Regulation is Freedom. A police state assures peace. (September 1, 2020)
Lions and Tigers and COVID, Oh My! - Take the Yellow Journalism road to the Wizard. (July 20, 2020)
Amazon's new series is a Woke Stoke of Racism and Extremism (July 17, 2020)
Want to prevent so-called Police brutality? - Don't bring in a tiger to catch a mouse when all you need is a kitten. (June 15, 2020)
AKA Jane Roe of Roe V Wade premieres tonight on FX. Was she Pro Life or Pro choice? (May 22, 2020)
Video interview - Medicare gives incentive to classifying all deaths as due to Covid-19. (May 8, 2020)
The COVID-19 virus does NOT kill people. Co-morbid conditions do. - Everyone else is safe. Except small business that are mostly murdered. (May 5, 2020)
Catch-22 for EIDL - Another example of government not thinking anything through (April 27, 2020)
St Valentine's day - Chocolates, fine dinners , Romance and Burning 2,000 Jews Alive (February 13, 2020)
To miss a Hand Out Turn, Turn Turn (February 5, 2020)
Mitt the Sh** votes for the left, his own hatred and com-MITTs political suicide - He claims it's his oath to God and repeats Democrat distortions bearing false witness (February 4, 2020)
Libs are singing.... "And the Schiff goes on. La De Dah De De (January 21, 2020)
The series finale of THE WALKING DEMS (January 15, 2020)
Genealogy and DNA bringing together the family the Nazis ripped apart. (January 13, 2020)
Operation Good Neighbor. The Israeli and Jewish Character (January 12, 2020)
Archives for 2019 :
Anti-Semitic Murder with a machete by Black man in Monsey NY (December 29, 2019)
DemocRATS See Only EVIL , Hear only EVIL, Speak Only EVIL - They are evil. Every one of them should be impeached. (December 4, 2019)
Control the culture not the guns or the terrorist recruiting (November 22, 2019)
November 2019 Venice flood worst in 50 years due to Climate Change? (November 14, 2019)
Kurds and Weigh (October 16, 2019)
Will the real Nazi, please stand up? (August 21, 2019)
Tlaib tall tales (August 20, 2019)
The media will never tell you this about the shootout in Philly (August 18, 2019)
Hitting a Positive Note with Sir Paul McCartney (June 12, 2019)
Would you let a Muslim terrorist scout help your grandmother across the street. (June 10, 2019)
Gore looks for Chads and Bush still Wins. Dems look for Bads and Trump still wins. (May 30, 2019)
Mueller time is over for Rod Rosenstein time to pay the Barr tab (April 23, 2019)
The real National Emergency and the Crisis that led up to it started long ago (February 16, 2019)
Why everyone keeps getting poorer except the Federal Government - It's done by replacing Money and printing notes (February 11, 2019)
What the Leftist, Islamic Terrorist Loving Media leave out (February 10, 2019)
The Soulless Inquisition monster that Mueller unleashed to persecute the President. (February 9, 2019)
Friend ..Goood. Fire ... Bad. Black Women ...good..victims. White men ... bad..oppressors. (January 19, 2019)
The Republican party is not our savior they are spineless and just as corrupt as the Democrat party - Only an outsider such as President Trump is from and for the people. (January 2, 2019)
Archives for 2018 :
Political parties are in violation of article 4 section 4 of the Constitution (December 29, 2018)
So much Fake news: Khashoggi Was an Islamist and Qatari Asset. Syria troop Withdrawal is only for ground troops (December 26, 2018)
Wall-Doh! and a Merry Christmas (December 24, 2018)
After years of drought, anyone can walk on the Sea of Galilee (December 3, 2018)
Let's not forget about the Islamic Terrorists that the West's tax dollars support. (December 2, 2018)
Presidential Climate Change Trumps Obama's Climate Stupidity (November 24, 2018)
A Turkey that can not be forgiven (November 22, 2018)
Who shall we thank this Thanksgiving? The ones we most oppressed? (November 20, 2018)
Why Stop at Guilty by accusation (for men only of course) just for Sexual assault? - Senator Durbin I accuse you not only of gang rape at Political Parties, but also dismembering and eating children's minds .. oh and Russian to Collusions. (September 30, 2018)
McCain eulogies speak of respected Hero but Rude, Angry person. (September 3, 2018)
Dear Prince William. A letter from The state of Israel (June 25, 2018)
Gaza Protests? Fake News! - It's really "Kill the Jews" (May 30, 2018)
The undocumented Hidden Holocaust of another 1.5 Million Jews throughout Eastern Europe. (February 22, 2018)
Facebook alerted the FBI to Russian ads. Rob Goldman of Facebook says ads are NOT about swaying the election (February 20, 2018)
Controlling Shooting - How about Controlling the media from shooting off their mouth with fake news (February 18, 2018)
Fix the broken infrastructure of the highway over which all our military and corporate secrets travel...directly to China (February 2, 2018)
Oh Bummer. Obama is responsible for N Korea keeping it's nuclear program and it's current aggressiveness (January 4, 2018)
Archives for 2017 :
You can't have your cake - Not Same sex, Nazi, Atheist, Devil worship nor government can force anyone to produce something (December 9, 2017)
There is no such thing as Palestinians and they have no claim on Jerusalem. - The so called Palestinians are brainwashed Muslims oppressed by Islamic Extremist rule (December 7, 2017)
There is no "Lone Wolf". All wolves are part of a Radical Islamic online Pack. (November 1, 2017)
US government still funding Islamic hate and murder in Pakistan (September 4, 2017)
Afghanistan - "we haven’t fought a 16-year war so much as we have fought a one-year war 16 times" (August 25, 2017)
Government Health "Care" inevitably leads to Eugenics. (August 17, 2017)
Useful Idiots take a shower with German Police - Water cannons and tear gas never get to the ones who fund this nonsense (July 7, 2017)
With great expectations Henry Bello Obotetukudo immigrated from Nigeria to the USA, where he heard the streets are paved with Gold. (July 5, 2017)
James Hodgkinson's Disease - It's Political. Republicans specifically targeted by Shooter (June 14, 2017)
Farce "news", Pund-idiots and Political Tribal Thumpers (May 14, 2017)
Trump Admin pushing longer sentences for Pushers. - Ineffectual. Jail isn't the answer to the Heroin epidemic (May 12, 2017)
Seattle Worker Loves $15 Minimum Wage! Woo-Hoo! (May 4, 2017)
Courage in the face of Evil - Trump stands up for Israel and the Jews (April 25, 2017)
Trump was right, Dems in a plight - Incidental surveillance is "wiretapping" (March 22, 2017)
UN resolution timed to repeat the Hanukkah Desecration (January 7, 2017)
Archives for 2016 :
Obama's true Colors are showing - He still doesn't realize the Emperor's Clothes are invisible. (December 30, 2016)
Please President Trump make the UN Building a Residential Condo. (December 28, 2016)
Muslim Raised, Anti-Semite Obama ab-stains veto of another mindless UN vote to condemn Israel (December 26, 2016)
Crying Russian Wolf in the Elitist Left's echo chamber. (December 10, 2016)
Hillary on the 6,500 emails discovered- "There is no case here" - According to which definition? (October 31, 2016)
Pervert in the White House (October 17, 2016)
How many times a day do you control, threaten, force, beat, rape, stone, cut, burn and murder your children? (August 19, 2016)
Don't Corrupt Politicians have a conscience? (August 18, 2016)
To bake a Cake or refuse service? That question is morally unanswerable in the USA. (August 8, 2016)
How do you stop Acts like the one in France - You can't. Only they can (July 15, 2016)
Islam is behind the Dallas massacre (July 11, 2016)
The Left are not Right and the Right are Left out on the Reality of Islam (June 22, 2016)
Sen. Lindsey Graham - "The bottom line is that I believe Donald Trump would be a disaster for the party" (March 20, 2016)
Obama's Animal Farm (March 13, 2016)
You don't disturb a crowded theater by yelling "Fire!" - If you do, you are responsible for what happens. (March 11, 2016)
Campaign Catch-22, if you want to win, you don't deserve to. (March 9, 2016)
Lying Ted stoops to "He's a Witch" in order to burn Trump - Claims Trump guilty until proven innocent. (March 7, 2016)
Really Mr. Cruz. You?? Just what we need, another close minded, lying President. - Ted Cruz's lies are disgusting, illogical, immoral and unworthy of anyone who calls themselves a good Christian. (March 6, 2016)
Lying Ted? Duh. He's a politician and his lips are moving. - They are all putting down the other, except that Trump's comebacks are all true. (March 5, 2016)
CON ARTIST! PHONY! - Trump? No. Political parties reveal themselves as such. - Conservative, Liberal, Radical, end of times scenarios... all a load of Bull to Deceive you. (March 3, 2016)
Obama FBI helps Islamic terrorists yet again (February 23, 2016)
Sorry Bern we are not a Socialist Democracy.... It's much worse than that! (February 11, 2016)
Archives for 2014 :
What a difference the Israelite makes. Israeli invention to end world hunger (November 7, 2014)
One People, One Heart - The True Religion of Peace (October 7, 2014)
The Islamic United Nations (October 3, 2014)
Let us also remember the victims of the 1993 WTC Bombing (September 11, 2014)
THE UNITED NATIONS funded and helped build the network of Hamas/Islamic terrorists' tunnels into Israel. (August 5, 2014)
Non-Stop Anti-Israel Islamic propaganda on CNN (August 3, 2014)
The Scorpion and the Bee (July 31, 2014)
The Joke of Foreign Aid is on us. (July 28, 2014)
Italy Freezes out latest Islamic Terrorist group (July 15, 2014)
The Affirmative action President (June 17, 2014)
The mindset of a mass murderer is the same as a Socialist. (May 27, 2014)
Let my people know. - The Books of Moses and the Prophets ARE consistent with archeology (May 26, 2014)
Islamic Terrorist Abu Hamza Al=Masri will be sentenced to 3 meals, lodging, tv, free medical and an Islamic terrorist recruiting platform. - You will be sentenced to pay for his trial, welfare for life, the new terrorists he will recruit and train in prison, all the people they will murder and/or all their free ride for life, if captured. (May 20, 2014)
Special Needs Teens integrated into the Military (May 18, 2014)
John Kerry and Jimmy Carter come together on separation. (April 29, 2014)
Return of the 10 lost tribes to Israel from the ....Taliban? (April 22, 2014)
Bureau of Land Management is the serial killer trying to Strangle this Bundy (April 16, 2014)
Not a "Smidgen of Corruption" - rather a "Pigeon of corruption" (February 7, 2014)
Quantitative Easing = Easing quantities of assets from your pocket to the Government and the Bank's pockets. (February 5, 2014)
Israeli Soldiers and Doctors risk their lives to help Syrian victims (February 3, 2014)
Why the dollar (Federal Reserve Note) is like Coffee and Balloons (January 10, 2014)
Archives for 2013 :
If you like your Vacation.. you can't keep it. (December 27, 2013)
Eat Dirt (December 23, 2013)
Warning! Warning! Be on the lookout for the beheading of Speech. (December 12, 2013)
We don’t get along because there are ALIENS among us! (December 8, 2013)
Why ObamaCare O'Bombed so badly. (November 8, 2013)
The Half Truth and Nothing But the Half Truth (October 21, 2013)
Psst, Hymie. Wanna buy some swamp land? (October 15, 2013)
Chop Suey Electronics - Chinese Counterfeiters may be crashing planes, trains and automobiles. (October 3, 2013)
The Three Hyper-Partisan little Piggies (October 2, 2013)
Germans and Muslims - Gas-tly together (September 20, 2013)
Spilled Coffee produces Human Embryonic Stem cells (September 5, 2013)
Thank you Mark Levin for starting a dialogue with "The Liberty Amendments", now stop talking and listen to others. (September 4, 2013)
Hey Obama. It's an Islamic civil war, not a humanitarian holocaust (September 3, 2013)
BBC reports Syria Napalming teenagers from a jet... (September 2, 2013)
Obama's Son on a Stabbing Murder Spree (August 11, 2013)
How Obama lies (August 8, 2013)
What could be worse than Hitler? (August 7, 2013)
US Economic crash - Pilot Error (July 28, 2013)
Israel creates software using phone Metadata for Saving lives. (July 27, 2013)
Islamic Evil - Domination through Abomination (July 26, 2013)
Same Sex "Marriage" is a Political Ploy. Civil union for all couples, is the equitable solution. (July 5, 2013)
An extraordinary and dramatic claim. (June 4, 2013)
Political Mind Control - Why data privacy is so important. (May 30, 2013)
If you know someone with Leukemia, there is a cure. (May 29, 2013)
The 'Science' of Aliens and three headed Babies. (April 21, 2013)
The Boston Massacre Terrorists are Muslim. Duuuh! (April 19, 2013)
What a difference the Israelites make. - Boston Marathon Medical team Trained by Israel (April 17, 2013)
The unholy, whole of the Holocaust. (March 4, 2013)
Hidden Taxes. The price you really pay. (February 27, 2013)
Baby you can drive my CARR - Constitutional Amendment Repeal and Repair (February 26, 2013)
'Do Something' Doo Doo (February 12, 2013)
NY Times and the Left Leaning Media (February 7, 2013)
We are Free at First not "Free at last" (January 21, 2013)
Psst... Did you hear about..? (January 20, 2013)
Elementary School Massacre - Why didn't "God" intervene? (January 16, 2013)
Happy New Year Chuckles (January 15, 2013)
Send email feedback to Lawrence Rosner
Biography - Lawrence Rosner
Lawrence spent his career solving the problems of major businesses. He created software, business processes and systems that save millions of dollars a year and make people’s work life easier and more productive.
He was a founding partner in a company which is instrumental in streamlining the practice of medicine and helping both patients and Doctors cope with the problems created by government health care.
During an assignment on the 98th floor of the WTC in 1993, he experienced first hand Islamic Terrorists' nearly successful attempt to take down the WTC. He and tens of thousands of others were trapped in the building in darkness and choking smoke.
After the government’s whitewashing denial of the root cause of the bombing - the evil built into Islam, the deepening confusion of American values, the negative end results of unnecessary and even immoral government intervention, the deterioration of the US economy and widespread systemic government corruption and unchecked power, he founded The Society Project to provide a blueprint for restoring our unique government Of the People, not Above the people, as it has become.
The Society project is dedicated to restoring the Constitutional Republic of the United States by educating, motivating and facilitating people to act to repair our society, through the Amendment process, before our society becomes another of the world’s failures.
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