Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Archives for 2021 :
Archives for 2020 :
Archives for 2019 :
President Trump Impeached for Being an Excellent Leader and too Popular with We-the-People (December 10, 2019)
The Democrat Party: An Existential Threat to the US Constitution and the USA (December 5, 2019)
Democrat Orwellian Police State moves into full operation (October 1, 2019)
There is nothing the Democrats won’t do in order to win in 2020 (September 16, 2019)
Does CNN--Finally--Need to have its Broadcast License suspended or pulled? (September 11, 2019)
On Losing or Saving our Country (August 21, 2019)
Mueller: “I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!” (May 30, 2019)
Border in Extreme Crisis: SHUT IT DOWN! (March 29, 2019)
Invasion of the USA IS A National Emergency! (March 1, 2019)
McCabe Admits his Treason! (February 14, 2019)
Living Under the Dark Cloud of Luciferianism (February 11, 2019)
Archives for 2018 :
Invasion of the USA is NOT a Human Right! (October 29, 2018)
Democrats now Physically Attacking Republican Candidates (October 18, 2018)
Where is the FBI Investigation of Blasey-Ford? (September 29, 2018)
Kavanaugh Debacle makes the case: Human experiment may not be working well (September 27, 2018)
The March of the Democrat Socialists’ paid Anti-Kavanaugh Floozies begins? (September 24, 2018)
The Turkey Vultures Were Circling in Helsinki (July 17, 2018)
Are Mueller, Rosenstein et al now Trying to Cover up their own Crimes? (May 3, 2018)
Police State Files: No Intel used to start Rogue FBI/DOJ Investigation of Trump (April 23, 2018)
Mueller ends Attorney-Client Privilege and US Justice under the Law? (April 10, 2018)
How is Conducting an Investigation Based upon Fake Evidence Legal? (March 19, 2018)
FBI’s Dancing with the Devil now out in the open? (February 25, 2018)
Mueller Probe Based on Contrived Document with Fake Info Continues (February 5, 2018)
Left Unsuccessful in Stopping Trump Tornado (January 9, 2018)
Archives for 2017 :
Archives for 2016 :
Congratulations, America and Very Well Done! (November 9, 2016)
Hillary Protector AG Lynch Refuses to Release New Clinton emails to FBI (October 30, 2016)
RINOs are “blowing up” the Republican Party...Not Trump (October 11, 2016)
Media: Trump's Locker Room Talk more important than Hillary's Crimes Against Humanity (October 9, 2016)
Hillary & Tim—Are They Both Nuts, Now? (October 6, 2016)
The End Stage of World Takeover By Clear and Present Evil (September 21, 2016)
Will Humans “PC” Themselves Out of Existence? (September 4, 2016)
Mr. Trump: The People are Still Behind You! (August 3, 2016)
Kasich et al...The Pretense of Leadership (July 21, 2016)
NWO All Out Takeover of USA Begins End of Intermediate Stage (July 8, 2016)
Ending Prosperity and Liberty For All but the World Elites (June 30, 2016)
Appears Judge Gonzalo Curiel May Be the Racist...not Trump (June 7, 2016)
The Final Destruction of the US Southern Border? (April 25, 2016)
NSA Whistleblower Comes Out of the Shadows Into the Light (March 28, 2016)
Is Ted Cruz Responsible for Anything he does? (March 25, 2016)
All Revolutions are Violently Opposed by the Would-Be Masters (March 12, 2016)
Too Close to One World Government to Let Trump Win (March 3, 2016)
The Caregiver’s Survival Guide (February 8, 2016)
GOP Congress Critters would rather watch the USA die than give up Power and extreme Wealth (January 11, 2016)
Archives for 2015 :
World Leftist Elites go after Trump with a vengeance (December 15, 2015)
Trump's Correct...Immigration of Muslims to US Must Stop Now (December 9, 2015)
Obama: Time to Disarm Americans so they'll die faster (December 7, 2015)
Ben Carson Begins Shedding Conservatism Even Before Primary? (November 10, 2015)
Obama and the US Soulless Class (September 21, 2015)
Kelly Attacks Trump...Trump Berated for Responding (August 9, 2015)
White Lives Don't Matter (July 15, 2015)
A Woman of Faith and Prophetic Warnings (July 14, 2015)
United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country (June 26, 2015)
USA Sovereignty Ends? (June 24, 2015)
Is the USA Even Worth Saving Anymore? (June 5, 2015)
Destroying and Killing the USA was way too easy (May 6, 2015)
Obama places USA in Submission to Iran...and Islam itself (April 3, 2015)
Taking on Leftist Hollywood--The Matrix Reloaded...Again! (March 31, 2015)
Obama Readying USA for Islamic Takeover? (February 19, 2015)
It’s Not a Corrupted Version…it IS Islam! (January 15, 2015)
Paris March and the Continuing Rise of the Obama Police State (January 12, 2015)
Archives for 2014 :
Betrayal from Both Sides of the Aisle? (December 15, 2014)
Obama To Officially Establish His Dictatorship 20 November 2014 (November 20, 2014)
Obama Refuses to Give Up his Dictatorship (November 10, 2014)
Obama’s Policies and Programs Condemned by American Voters (November 5, 2014)
UPDATE: Quarantine for Illegals and Ebola Hot-Zone Arrivals (November 3, 2014)
BREAKING: Amended Suit to Stop additional entry of Illegals and Ebola into USA (October 24, 2014)
ELECTION 2014: This time will you help Save America or join in her Destruction? (October 10, 2014)
Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS (September 3, 2014)
ALERT: This could Stop Illegals Onslaught into the USA WE NEED YOU THERE! (August 25, 2014)
Obama and Holder take over from Jackson and Sharpton (August 21, 2014)
It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama (August 10, 2014)
Obama to Issue Executive Orders to Bring in Thousands of new Foreign Democrat Voters (July 25, 2014)
US Government turns fully against Americans and few seem to care (July 21, 2014)
Obama: No Consequences for Treason and America’s final Destruction (July 11, 2014)
Obama and Dems Increase Importation of US Citizen Replacements and Enemies of USA (July 2, 2014)
Obama’s End of the USA via fomenting Foreign Invasion (June 27, 2014)
US Republic now gone--Fully replaced by Dictatorship (June 19, 2014)
When all that Remains is Deceit, Tyranny and Treason (June 11, 2014)
White House calls Bergdahl’s Fellow Soldiers Liars (June 5, 2014)
Barack Hussein Obama Legacy: Enemy to Humankind (June 3, 2014)
Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from every angle (May 19, 2014)
ALERT: IRS, Lerner and DOJ Collaborated to bring False charges/Evidence against Conservatives (April 16, 2014)
Putin & Obama Working Together to Split up the Spoils after the War? (March 28, 2014)
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA Employee Speaks Out About its Corruption (February 20, 2014)
Obama, Dems and Media: No Jobs and Poverty are Good for you! (February 10, 2014)
Should Barack Hussein Obama be Tried, Convicted and Hanged for Treason? (February 5, 2014)
USA now under Full Dictatorship…Congress Continues 3 Monkey Policy (January 15, 2014)
A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring (January 5, 2014)
Archives for 2013 :
Where Do we go From Here America…Will There be Anything left? (December 30, 2013)
Michael Bray: Controversial Anti-Abortionist Speaks Out on Planned Parenthood and other matters (December 2, 2013)
Obama Says No More Healthcare…No More Choice (November 8, 2013)
Obama: “It’s time for Americans to embrace my Dictatorship and their own slavery…or else” (October 9, 2013)
Senator Ted Cruz: A man for the People and a Country in extreme Jeopardy (September 27, 2013)
Molli Nickell: Queen of Fractured [Political] Fables (September 19, 2013)
End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising--Part III (September 13, 2013)
Solidification of the Obama Dictatorship--US Government Overthrown while Police State Explodes--Part II (August 15, 2013)
Living Under Tyranny and the Solidification of the Obama Dictatorship--Part I (July 30, 2013)
Professor Steven White on Saving our Children from the ObamaGov (July 15, 2013)
Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People (June 13, 2013)
Obama and Holder: “Stop us if you can!” (June 3, 2013)
Now Fact: All aspects ObamaGov Completely Corrupt/Criminal (May 22, 2013)
Common Core Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children (May 9, 2013)
Obama and other Traitors Bring an End to Sanity and My Country (April 29, 2013)
Larry Grathwohl: An Extraordinary Life from the Weather Underground to the FBI and beyond (March 28, 2013)
Breaking News Journal: A new site for Truth and Accuracy and much more (March 18, 2013)
The Obama chronicles: The deceptions, the murders and continuing ObamaGov terrorism (March 12, 2013)
ObamaGov: The story of a Tyrant and a collaborative Congress (March 1, 2013)
Oppose Obama…Prepare to Die! (February 7, 2013)
Obama Pushing American People closer to Armed Resistance (January 28, 2013)
Obama and Congress: Ending the USA to Establish the new Police State-Part 1 (January 14, 2013)
Archives for 2012 :
Dictator Obama: No more Bill of Rights--No Compromise on Demands (December 18, 2012)
Living under the Obama Hordes: Unprosecuted and Ignored Treason (December 14, 2012)
Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out (December 6, 2012)
It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for “Reelection”/growing Totalitarian Government (November 26, 2012)
Obama-Land vs. the USA: The end of a Country, its People and Liberty (November 7, 2012)
Benghazi Ambassadorial Staff: Obama Determined They Were Expendable (October 26, 2012)
Debate 3: Obama Channeled President Richard Nixon? (October 24, 2012)
The Obama/Media Plot to take out soon-to-be President-elect Willard Mitt Romney (October 18, 2012)
Candy Crowley and Obama Tag-Team v Romney (October 15, 2012)
A Patriot’s Warning about the US Growing Obama Police State (October 7, 2012)
Romney v. Obama Debates: What to watch from the Leftist “Moderators” (October 2, 2012)
Open Letter to Swing State Voters: Presidential Election 2012 (September 28, 2012)
Obama Incites Middle East toward Chaos and Murder (September 23, 2012)
Obama now Openly Destroying the USA and he’s rising in the polls? (September 20, 2012)
Faux Conservatives and Marxist-Dems Assail Romney (September 19, 2012)
Obama to Embassies: “You’re on Your Own!” (September 16, 2012)
Middle East Exploding: Direct Result of Obama Policy and “Leading from behind” (September 14, 2012)
Romney’s Response to US Embassy Attacks Measured and Completely Correct (September 13, 2012)
Pollsters Threatened by Axelrod and the Obama DOJ (September 12, 2012)
Mitt You Must Start Fighting for Our Country! (September 10, 2012)
Democrat Party: Truth, God and Jerusalem no longer allowed (September 7, 2012)
All-Out Marxist Media Assault on Romney/Ryan begins with Gusto! (August 26, 2012)
The Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land and its People (August 24, 2012)
Obama Already Gutting Medicare--The Ryan Plan Will Bring It Back (August 12, 2012)
Open Letter to Mitt Romney: We Need you to Start fighting! (August 10, 2012)
Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent An Interview with Doug Hagmann (August 6, 2012)
Marxist Obama Doubling and Tripling Attacks Against Small Business Builders (July 26, 2012)
Aurora Shooter Militant Occupy Black Bloc Member? (July 21, 2012)
Time to Storm Obama and Washington D.C.? (July 13, 2012)
Progressive CJ John Roberts Solidifies Socialism in U.S. (July 2, 2012)
John Robert: Another Stealth Leftist (June 28, 2012)
BREAKING: Holder-Obama Guilt in Fast & Furious Now Confirmed (June 20, 2012)
Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns (June 18, 2012)
Obama is Blocking Putting America Back to Work--as his Lies Increase (June 11, 2012)
US Media: If you’re Totalitarian you can Kill Anyone you Like! (June 5, 2012)
Obama Hires his Personal Murder Czar and Dems continue to Threaten SCOTUS (May 25, 2012)
Obama: “2012 is Make or Break for American Marxism” (May 8, 2012)
Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court over ObamaCare (May 3, 2012)
Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a “Nice Man” (April 29, 2012)
One-World Governance Policies begin in New Rochelle, NY (April 23, 2012)
Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results? (April 12, 2012)
Obama Demands SCOTUS become Rubber Stamp for his Policies (April 3, 2012)
USA Under Siege: Congress and Obama Vote in Secret to End Bill of Rights and other Atrocities (March 26, 2012)
US Secret Service Says No Anti-Obama Rallies Allowed! (March 20, 2012)
Congress Ignores Obama’s Overt Exec Order and Coup Against US Citizens (March 18, 2012)
Obama Syndicate‘s Panetta: Congress is no Longer relevant governmental body (March 9, 2012)
Obama Syndicate Plans Imminent Takeover of USA by Islam and Globalists (February 26, 2012)
Obama Media begin the Faking of Obama Poll Numbers (February 15, 2012)
Is Speaker Boehner making a deal with the Obama Administration to stop Fast & Furious? (February 13, 2012)
Obama Still Poised to take over Churches and Eliminate First Amendment (February 10, 2012)
UPDATE: Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Hearing (January 29, 2012)
Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News (January 27, 2012)
Iranian-Born American Writer Amil Imani speaks out against Satanic Islam (January 23, 2012)
Al Garza on the Minutemen, FEMA Camps and who should be our next President (January 18, 2012)
Final Implementation of Obama Dictatorship in Progress on all levels (January 8, 2012)
Obama Announces he can imprison anyone he chooses…IF he chooses to do so (January 2, 2012)
Archives for 2011 :
US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism…it’s Far Worse than that (December 19, 2011)
Iron Curtain begins Descending onto the United States of America (December 2, 2011)
ALERT: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption (November 20, 2011)
Obama�s OWS Grows More Violent�Threatens Young Children (November 18, 2011)
Despite Deceit and Lies Obama Syndicate and Dems Continue Push for Gun and People Control (November 14, 2011)
The Advantages for the Minority Left (November 1, 2011)
ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun (October 23, 2011)
Will the Obama Syndicate Ever be Held Responsible for its Crimes? (October 12, 2011)
Is Congress Refusing to Stop the Obama Syndicate Crimes? (October 3, 2011)
How Many Times can Congressional Members Fold Like Cheap Suits? (September 12, 2011)
Obama has No Intention of Ending Unemployment Rate, as his Criminal Actions Swell (September 8, 2011)
ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Calls for Race War to keep Obama in power (August 31, 2011)
Dictator-in-Chief Obama and US Congress Collaborating to Destroy USA? (August 23, 2011)
Playing the Obama Death-to-the-USA Game (August 10, 2011)
Obama Has Done his Job Well: USA All But Destroyed (August 6, 2011)
Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA), Fellow Slaves! (August 2, 2011)
Congress pushing McConnell Obama-as-Dictator plan behind the scenes? (July 30, 2011)
Democrat Senators Say They Will Refuse to Stop Spending (July 28, 2011)
When the Dictator speaks We Must Listen--or else and Congress establishing the US’ first Politburo (July 25, 2011)
American Stalin Obama Seizes Control of Food and Energy Production (July 12, 2011)
Obama Not Subject to Charges of Treason? (June 17, 2011)
Obama Nullifies and Ends US Constitution (May 29, 2011)
US Police State Begins Exponential Expansion (May 25, 2011)
Stacked Courts and Dissolution of US Laws set to officially establish the Obama Tyranny (May 11, 2011)
New Sheriff in Town Ann Barnhardt: Fearless against Islam and the Obama Syndicate (April 29, 2011)
Hawaii Changes Rules on Birth Certificates to Accommodate Dictator Obama? (April 27, 2011)
Obama says will take more than one term to destroy USA (April 24, 2011)
Obama Continues Fight to End American Prosperity--while he golfs and vacations (April 19, 2011)
Theresa Cao playing the Apprentice and more Free Speech violations from the Obama Regime (April 14, 2011)
The Usurper in Chief Obama vs. The Donald? (April 10, 2011)
The Problems with Obama: From NBC to Overt Support of Terrorists (March 31, 2011)
Another Obama Opponent Headed for Jail? (March 14, 2011)
Obama Goons Coming out Full-Force to Overturn 2010 Elections (March 9, 2011)
Obama: The Rights of the Many denied by the Tyranny of the few (March 2, 2011)
A We the People’s Protest whose time has come (February 25, 2011)
Obama, Dems and Union Thugs: Elections Matter Only If Democrats Win (February 20, 2011)
Reelection Slogan for Obama & Co: We Bring Down Governments? (February 11, 2011)
Obama Gives UK Nuke Secrets to Russia--He MUST now be removed from office and power (February 5, 2011)
Obama Tires of Destroying USA--Turns to Egypt (February 4, 2011)
Republican and Marxist Date Night in D.C. (January 25, 2011)
Venezuela Becomes New Stalinist Nation (January 20, 2011)
Who Are the Real Law Enforcers---the Police or We-the-People? (January 17, 2011)
Obama’s Memorial and Pep Rally (January 13, 2011)
Archives for 2010 :
TSA, Youth Corps Now Officially part of Obama Gestapo and Marxist Senators vow to Create Official Dictatorship (December 30, 2010)
TSA Sheeple Experiment Successful--Next Phase of America’s Imprisonment Begins (December 26, 2010)
GOP Continues to play Supplicant to Marxist Obama--Our Nation under Siege (December 23, 2010)
Dems Continue to Pound Final Nails into USA Coffin (December 21, 2010)
Democrats: Put down your Scheming Propositions and leave the Capitol Building (December 16, 2010)
Republicans: We Did Not Rehire you to continue business as usual (December 9, 2010)
Can Obama & Co Really be Stopped? (December 7, 2010)
Are Obama’s perversions becoming even more pronounced? (November 22, 2010)
TSA Torment: ObamaGov Police State Tightening its Grip on We-the-People (November 18, 2010)
Pelosi and Her Marxist Dems to Continue Fight against American People (November 7, 2010)
Obama Moving White House to India? (November 3, 2010)
Election Day 2010: We Take Back Our Power or cede it to the slave masters (November 2, 2010)
Democrat Election Fraud Openly Running Rampant (October 27, 2010)
Obamas Competing: Who can Spend more of the Taxpayer Dollars on Extravagant Trips? (October 24, 2010)
November 2010: Will Humans Finally Begin Retaking Their Country from the Marxists? (October 21, 2010)
Would-be Emperor and Empress Obama continue to flout US laws (October 17, 2010)
Leftist Judge Rules ObamaGov can force US Citizens to buy its products (October 8, 2010)
Obama & Co Election Fraud may be Worst in US History (October 6, 2010)
Captain Jim Wilmeth: A new breed of Constitutional Law Enforcers (September 22, 2010)
Obama and Minions call Constitutionalists “Extremists” and “Crazy” (September 17, 2010)
Obama & Co Speeding its Implementation of Collapsing America (September 15, 2010)
On Having one’s Name Deleted from the Internet by Obama & Co (September 5, 2010)
Obama’s August Surprise: Turning AZ and 22 other States over to the UN (August 28, 2010)
Obama Vacations: Destroying a Country is Hard Work (August 23, 2010)
ObamaGov Establishing Islam as Official USA State Religion? (August 17, 2010)
Islamist Victory and Obama Attacks on the States and US Citizens (August 16, 2010)
Midterm Elections 2010: Marxists vs. Americans (August 9, 2010)
Will Obama “Persuade” Americans their Slavery is Inevitable? (August 1, 2010)
Has the Time Come to Replace the Federal Government? (July 28, 2010)
Obama Doesn’t Want America’s Recovery (July 25, 2010)
AZ Ceded to Mexico and the Rise of the Obama Police State? (July 11, 2010)
Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” means Total Annihilation (July 1, 2010)
Dictator Obama reaches Day 70 of his Gulf Destruction (June 28, 2010)
We must now enact a Declaration of Independence from Obama Tyranny (June 25, 2010)
Obama-BP Oil Cataclysm Worsens: Day 65 of Death and Destruction (June 23, 2010)
The Obama Slippery Slope is Gone and it’s Day 563 of Our Captivity (June 22, 2010)
Obama Days of Destruction: Day 62 for Gulf, Day 561 for USA (June 20, 2010)
Media and other Radical Leftists Openly Call for Obama Dictatorship (June 18, 2010)
Obama: Continuing to Destroy Jobs, Destroy Lives, Ends Constitution (June 17, 2010)
Obama to demand Americans allow him even more theft of their earnings? (June 14, 2010)
Obama & Co steps up USA Destruction before November Elections (June 12, 2010)
Misrepresenting Scientist Comments and Opposition Arrests--Obama Police State Begins (June 11, 2010)
Obama to use Oil Spill Disaster to renew push for Cap & Trade (June 5, 2010)
Obama & Co Oil Spill Disaster Day 44: Never let a [another] Catastrophe go to waste (June 2, 2010)
Obama’s Pretense of Leadership When and Where there is none (May 29, 2010)
We the People’s War against the ObamaGov has Officially Begun (May 24, 2010)
States and Cities Rejoining the United STATES of America (May 20, 2010)
Obama Looking and Planning for his own Waco? (May 9, 2010)
Obama and the Elephants in the USA’s Living Room (May 3, 2010)
Obama’s Next Threat: Shoving Illegals’ Amnesty down American’s Throats (April 26, 2010)
Chelene Nightingale--the Conservative CA Gubernatorial Candidate pick (April 21, 2010)
Obama Continues his Relentless Destruction of America (April 18, 2010)
Obama's Google Deleting me? (April 11, 2010)
Barack Hussein Obama: Marxist Ideologue or Evolving Madman? (April 6, 2010)
Bruce Olsen: Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Arizona (April 2, 2010)
Today’s New Atrocity: The Beginning of USA Disarmament (March 26, 2010)
The Party of American Slavery in Full Abhorrent Power Again (March 25, 2010)
Obama signs ObamaCare Bill--Claims victory over American People (March 24, 2010)
Gino DiSimone: Independent Candidate for Governor of Nevada (March 23, 2010)
Obama & Co to all Americans: “We’re in charge now--not you!” (March 22, 2010)
Obama: Water for Votes and Other Atrocities (March 20, 2010)
USA only a few days away from Totalitarianism (March 19, 2010)
Democrats Scorched Earth Tactic Against American People (March 14, 2010)
Obama Delays trip to implement Chi thug-style persuasion for ObamaCare (March 12, 2010)
Obama openly Rules against the Will of the Governed and now their Lives (March 11, 2010)
Pelosi orders Dems to End their Careers for her and a Totalitarian USA (March 1, 2010)
Obama and Democrats’ Unprecedented Attack against American People and the Obama Summit (February 26, 2010)
JD Hayworth: Sole AZ Conservative Candidate for US Senate (February 24, 2010)
Marxist Obama and his Dems vow to now force We-the-People into submission (February 19, 2010)
Obama & Co: The Worst Executive and Legislative Branches in US history (February 13, 2010)
The ObamaProblem: It’s the People, Stupid! (February 10, 2010)
Obama & Dems Steal our Money, Wreck Economy, Demand We Pay for it (February 7, 2010)
Obama and Marxist Dems Primed to End USA by 2011 (February 2, 2010)
State of the Obama Message: Blame Everyone but, the Dictator-in-Chief (February 1, 2010)
Obama: My Totalitarian State Must be Established (January 27, 2010)
Obama’s Washington Corruption, Criminality and Insanity Reach New Lows (January 25, 2010)
Massachusetts Win: Obama Vows Retaliation Against American People (January 20, 2010)
Obama Death Plan: Americans Forced to pay for ObamaBribes (January 18, 2010)
Dem Senators and Massachusetts Say No Longer Paying Attention to Electorate (January 11, 2010)
Obama Continues Protection, Support of Islamists (January 5, 2010)
Archives for 2009 :
Obama Death Plan: Abortions, New Taxes and Death Panels to remain (December 30, 2009)
The First 12 Months of Obama Captivity: Preparing for Eradication (December 27, 2009)
Marxist-Obama controlled CRS says ACORN's Criminal behaviors A-OK! (December 24, 2009)
Senate Marxist Reid To make it almost Impossible to Repeal ObamaCare (December 22, 2009)
Obama & Senate Christmas Present to We-the-People: Enslavement (December 20, 2009)
Obama’s Communists Now Ruling the USA: Republic is Formally Dead (December 16, 2009)
Obama Openly Threatens American People and US Congress (December 9, 2009)
Was there a Bonus Paid on how fast Obama Could Destroy the USA? (December 8, 2009)
ObamaCare is NOT What We-the-People Want: Interview with President of AMAC (December 7, 2009)
Marxist-run ObamaGov Declares Death of US Republic (November 22, 2009)
ALERT: Marxist Congress’ Final Push to Complete Control of Americans (November 20, 2009)
Obama’s Betrayal of America Growing Exponentially (November 17, 2009)
Obama Stabs America in her back--again (November 13, 2009)
Obama Continues Mad Dash towards Enslaving American People (November 12, 2009)
Pelosi ObamaCare Passage: Marxists on way to Controlling all of us (November 8, 2009)
Another Muslim Executed Massacre in the USA (November 6, 2009)
Pelosi Vows ObamaCare Ram-Through by Saturday (November 5, 2009)
CBO: ObamaCare will Cover Only 2% of US Citizens (November 2, 2009)
Congress Uses Sham Poll to Force Total Control ObamaCare (October 28, 2009)
Dictator Obama and Reaching the Point of No Return (October 18, 2009)
Obama’s Eve of Destruction (October 14, 2009)
Obama Receives Nobel for Being Marxist President (October 12, 2009)
Is Totalitarian Conquest of USA Already Complete? (October 7, 2009)
Democrats Now Plan Forced ObamaCare via House Bill Rider (September 30, 2009)
Obama’s Enemies of Liberty, Freedom and Humans on a Roll (September 29, 2009)
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying to Obama? (September 25, 2009)
Does Obama Have the Ability to Tell the Truth? (September 23, 2009)
ALERT: Obama Throws out First Amendment Free Speech Clause (September 22, 2009)
How Close is Obama to Complete Destruction of USA? (September 21, 2009)
Obama Waist-Deep in ACORN Corruption and More ObamaCare Atrocities (September 19, 2009)
Obama’s Direct and Lucrative Ties to ACORN (September 16, 2009)
Will Obama’s DOJ Block Investigation of ACORN? (September 14, 2009)
Mr. Obama We Have now asked you Nicely but Firmly (September 13, 2009)
Obama to Gut Medicare to pay for ObamaCare Folly (September 10, 2009)
Obama Set to Force ObamaCare while His Eligibility Trial Date Set? (September 9, 2009)
Van Jones--Just one of Many Obama-Marxists (September 6, 2009)
No ObamaCare--No Trigger! (September 5, 2009)
Is MA Storm Trooper bill a Test Case for Obama Takeover? (September 4, 2009)
Jesse Kelly: AZ Candidate and ObamaCare Opponent (August 31, 2009)
Obama: The Worst is Yet to Come (August 30, 2009)
ObamaCzar Advocating Genocide against Americans? (August 27, 2009)
Dems Call for ObamaCare Renamed as Kennedy Health Bill (August 26, 2009)
Obama Attacks CIA to Quell ObamaCare Protests and Establish Secret Police (August 25, 2009)
Obama uses Liberal Christianity and Judaism to Push Marxist Agenda (August 22, 2009)
Obama’s Congress Vows Forceful Takeover of American People Imminent (August 20, 2009)
Obama and Dems Still Vow to Shove ObamaCare Down our Throats (August 18, 2009)
Radical ObamaCzars and the First US Imperium (August 15, 2009)
Obama Steps Up War Against America and We-the-People (August 14, 2009)
Will ObamaThugs Patrol Polling Places and Continue Election Fraud? (August 12, 2009)
Obama Rent-A-Thug Program moves into High Gear (August 11, 2009)
Obama Trains Minions: How to Silence and Destroy the American People (August 10, 2009)
Obama Tells US Citizen Opposition to Shut Up--or Else (August 7, 2009)
Obama Enters Full Big Brother Phase (August 6, 2009)
Dems Say Will Push ObamaCare through Despite Citizens’ Opposition (August 5, 2009)
Obama’s Anti-Human Programs almost complete (August 2, 2009)
Blue-Dogs Showing their Yellow-Dog Streak? (July 30, 2009)
Dems Ensure Illegal Aliens Included in ObamaCare and Other Atrocities (July 25, 2009)
Obama Alert: Your Rep or Senator may be Obama-Bribed or Threatened (July 21, 2009)
Senator Kennedy Says Health Crimes Bill Includes Rationing (July 20, 2009)
Al Qaeda Affiliate Welcomed to USA under ObamaRule (July 18, 2009)
Senate Committee Passes Obama Health Crimes Bill (July 15, 2009)
Racist Anti-Constitution Sotomayor to be confirmed to SCOTUS (July 13, 2009)
Debunking Obama’s Cap and Trade and Global Warming Myths (July 2, 2009)
Obama Supports Honduran Dictator (July 1, 2009)
Nationwide Protest against Obama’s Cap and Trade (June 27, 2009)
Obama Resolutely Turning US into Third World Country (June 24, 2009)
ObamaCare: Just another Way to Steal Our Money? (June 22, 2009)
Can the US Constitution Survive Dictator Obama? (June 17, 2009)
Obama Adds another “News” Network to his Stable (June 16, 2009)
Obama and his Syndicate Operating Outside of US Law (June 11, 2009)
Obama Shadow Government Expanding (June 6, 2009)
Whatever Barry Wants Barry Gets (May 31, 2009)
Obama Expanding his Criminal Enterprise? (May 29, 2009)
Legislating More Protection for Obama and his Birth Certificate? (May 25, 2009)
Obama Seizes Individually Owned Business (May 21, 2009)
Tyranny Watch 2: Obama Steps up Attacks against American People (May 20, 2009)
Obama Admits his Economic Programs Won’t Work (May 16, 2009)
The Fast and Furious Growth of the Obama Dictatorship (May 14, 2009)
US Government Police State Shaping Up Nicely (May 11, 2009)
Obama to Ensure Constitutional USA Does Not Return (May 1, 2009)
Tyranny Watch: Obama Begins Process to Remove US Citizens’ Rights (April 26, 2009)
The Reason the Left Must Destroy the USA (April 24, 2009)
Government to Complete Takeover of US Banks and Begins News Organizations (April 21, 2009)
ACORN and other Left-Wing Groups to Disrupt Tea Parties (April 9, 2009)
Obama Begins Turnover of USA Sovereignty to International Body (April 3, 2009)
Mexican Border Crisis: The Barbarians are at the gate (March 31, 2009)
Obama Officially Terminates USA Free Enterprise (March 30, 2009)
Obama Administration Begins the End of Private Enterprise? (March 24, 2009)
Obama Announces Government Control over Private Industry Exec Comp (March 23, 2009)
Obama Conspiracy Theories Become Facts (March 22, 2009)
Are Congress and Obama Deliberately Inciting a New US Civil War? (March 20, 2009)
First Fifty-Six Days: What Obama Hath Wrought (March 18, 2009)
The Time for a New Boston Tea Party Has Arrived (March 16, 2009)
Obama: Courting our Enemies while ‘Dissing’ our Friends (March 9, 2009)
Obama White House: Extravagance, Secrecy and Enemies Lists (March 7, 2009)
Confused by Obama’s Planned Obliteration of USA? (March 3, 2009)
Rosanna Pulido: Illinois Congressional Candidate of Substance (February 26, 2009)
Obama Destroying the USA to rebuild it in his own image? (February 20, 2009)
Stimulus Bill: Is the AARP Lying to us? (February 11, 2009)
Stimulus Bill: Democrats Calling for Elimination of Senior Citizens? (February 10, 2009)
Lack of Respect for GL Obama Grows (February 8, 2009)
Obama and Congress Vow to Shove Treasury Theft down Voters’ Throats (February 6, 2009)
Obama’s Destruction of the USA Shifts into High Gear (January 28, 2009)
George W. Bush—the Last US President? (January 14, 2009)
Archives for 2008 :
Israel Told No Viable Self Defense Allowed—Again (December 29, 2008)
Rep. Paul Broun Apologizes for Telling the Truth - Day 9 of Obama Watch (November 13, 2008)
Obama Ready to “Rule” and End Opposing Views (November 11, 2008)
America Has Jumped the Shark (November 9, 2008)
Obama Sounding Less than Presidential (November 8, 2008)
Liberals Working to Ensure Sarah Palin Does Not Return (November 6, 2008)
USA: On Becoming a Marxist-run Nation (November 5, 2008)
Obama Says will Bankrupt Companies that Disagree With Him (November 3, 2008)
Obama Says Not Being a Communist is Selfish (November 2, 2008)
Ohio Voter Fraud almost Complete (October 29, 2008)
Obama Begins Suppression of the Media—and more (October 28, 2008)
Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin? (October 26, 2008)
Barack Obama and the End of the Republic (October 23, 2008)
Biden Promises World Crisis Immediately after Obama Elected (October 21, 2008)
An Incurious Colin Powell Endorses Obama (October 20, 2008)
Obama Campaign Begins Systematic Destruction of Joe the Plumber (October 18, 2008)
Pro-Obama Ohio Secretary of State Refuses to Stop Voter Fraud (October 16, 2008)
Obama Hints at Communist Presidency (October 14, 2008)
Letter to Senator John McCain—are you even listening to your supporters? (October 12, 2008)
Democrat Official Joins Pro-Obama Voter Fraud (October 10, 2008)
Obama Partnerships with Voter Fraud Unit and Terrorists Run Wide and Deep (October 9, 2008)
Democrats Destroy Economy—Blame Republicans (October 7, 2008)
First Presidential Election Decided by Voter Fraud? (October 5, 2008)
Pro-Obama Moderator Chosen for VP Candidate Debates (October 1, 2008)
Obama Expanding Ban on Free Speech (September 30, 2008)
Obama Voter Fraud reaches Fever Pitch (September 28, 2008)
Obama Stalinist Police State Already Taking Form (September 27, 2008)
Obama Directly Tied to Voting Fraud Group (September 26, 2008)
Financial Crisis: Beware of the Phrase “Both Sides are to Blame” (September 22, 2008)
Democrats Caused Current Financial Crisis (September 20, 2008)
Obama Operative Fires off another Bogus Scandal against Palin (September 18, 2008)
Obama Surrogates Float More False Smears about Palin (September 7, 2008)
Democrat Operatives Vow to Cause Palin to Resign (September 3, 2008)
Fox and Friends Program Denigrates Governor Sarah Palin? (August 31, 2008)
Secular Messiah Obama Gets his Temple (August 28, 2008)
Leader of Terrorist-Linked Group Speaks at Democrat Convention (August 26, 2008)
Democrats Slap We the People in the face—again (August 1, 2008)
No Need for Election: Democrats, Europe and Media confirm Obama already President (July 26, 2008)
Media Shuts Out McCain (July 22, 2008)
Congressional Democrats Say NO to Drilling but YES to More Oil Taxes (July 21, 2008)
Mainstream Media Phase of Obama Campaign Moves into High Gear (July 18, 2008)
Congressional Democrats: Far Left Funding More Important than American People (July 15, 2008)
Fox News Goes Almost All Obama All the Time (July 11, 2008)
Pro-Terrorist New York Times Leaks Top Secret US Info again (June 30, 2008)
We CAN Drill Our Way Out of This (June 19, 2008)
Democrats Concoct Michelle Obama Rumor to Blame Conservatives (June 16, 2008)
Dismantling the USA Part I: The Beginnings (June 12, 2008)
Obama Furious with the Truth—again (May 17, 2008)
National Press Club Endeavors (April 28, 2008)
Telling the Truth about Obama (April 25, 2008)
Democrats Still Love their Ant (April 21, 2008)
Democrat Leader to meet with Terrorist (April 11, 2008)
Obama Tied to More Racists (March 25, 2008)
Does the ‘Obama Ignorance Excuse’ Pass the Smell Test? (March 18, 2008)
Are we now seeing the Real Obama? (March 17, 2008)
Obama Supporters Can Say Anything (March 14, 2008)
Rep. Steve King: Vilified for Telling the Truth (March 9, 2008)
Illegal Immigration is still Illegal (February 29, 2008)
Will Obama be our Second Anti-American President? (February 24, 2008)
Replying to the Berkeley Insanity Doctrines (February 9, 2008)
US Presidential Race: Choose Your Liberal Poison (February 4, 2008)
Europe: Major Staging Area for Islamic Extremists (January 17, 2008)
Behar Joins Christian Bashers (January 10, 2008)
Terrorists, Drug Dealers and People Smugglers Welcomed into USA (January 3, 2008)
Archives for 2007 :
Congress Guts Border Fence Bill as Border Agent Attacks Increase (December 20, 2007)
Drug Dealers Pardoned While Border Patrol Agents Remain in Prison (December 13, 2007)
Does Islam Cause Mental Illness? (December 1, 2007)
Muslims Resume Riots in France and other Islamic Atrocities (November 28, 2007)
Islam vs. all Women and Where are the Feminists? (November 21, 2007)
Government Still Refuses to Protect US Border (November 15, 2007)
China Bans Bibles from Olympics? (November 8, 2007)
Next Step towards USA Dissolution Given Tacit approval by Feds (October 28, 2007)
Call to Action: Harry Reid To Force Amnesty for Illegals on American People (October 23, 2007)
Harry Reid Takes Credit for Limbaugh Auction (October 19, 2007)
Congressman Waxman Implements First Step to Shut Down Talk Radio (October 9, 2007)
Dialogue with Democrats Now Akin to Diplomacy with Terrorists? (October 8, 2007)
Terrorist Allowed Hate Speech Forum while US Groups Banned-Part II (September 23, 2007)
Terrorist Leader Welcomed to USA (September 21, 2007)
Senate Slaps American People in the Face—Again (September 20, 2007)
Democrat Leaders Become More Radicalized (September 15, 2007)
New Hollywood Films Attack Foot Soldiers (September 10, 2007)
Democrat Senator Schumer Blasts US Troops (September 6, 2007)
Next Step Toward North American Union Put Firmly in Place (September 2, 2007)
Iran Poised to Take Over Iraq (August 31, 2007)
Mexican Government Increasing Fight Against US Immigration Laws (August 26, 2007)
Liberal States Engaging in Anarchy For Illegals (August 18, 2007)
Haditha Massacre: Media and Terrorist Hoax? (August 12, 2007)
Congress Selects Back Door Program for Illegals (August 7, 2007)
Only Christians Subject to Separation of Church and State (August 1, 2007)
Congress Gone Wild: Wants All Three Branches of Government (July 30, 2007)
Democrats Overtly Support Terrorists against US Citizens (July 21, 2007)
Political Correctness Continues Support of Terrorist Factions against West (July 16, 2007)
Democrats’ Fear of Iraq Surge Success Grows (July 11, 2007)
Muslim Doctors: Purveyors of Death (July 8, 2007)
Democrats and Republicans: Joined Together to Stop Amnesty for Illegals (July 1, 2007)
Illegal Immigration: Senate’s Desires Trump American People (June 24, 2007)
Military Warns Personnel Don’t Go to Mexico while Senate Pushes Open Borders (June 21, 2007)
Amnesty: Heralding the End of US Representative Democracy? (June 18, 2007)
Palestinians Hatred for One Another Overflows (June 17, 2007)
Part II: Senate Continues to Bypass We-The-People (June 14, 2007)
Senate Supporters Still Vow to Push Amnesty Bill Through (June 9, 2007)
Senate Votes to Include Amnesty for Felons (June 7, 2007)
Another American Muslim Expresses Displeasure with USA (June 4, 2007)
It’s Not Racist to Oppose Amnesty for Illegals (May 30, 2007)
American Muslims Ready to Attack USA? (May 27, 2007)
New Mexico to Become Latest Large Mexican Colony? (May 22, 2007)
Senate Continues to Bypass We-The-People (May 20, 2007)
Senate Placing USA One Step Closer to Oblivion (May 18, 2007)
Left Works to Change Image of Fort Dix Six (May 14, 2007)
CAIR Says Suppress Terrorists’ Islamic Connections and Other New Islamic Demands (May 9, 2007)
Democrats Cold-shoulder Colombian President (May 7, 2007)
Illegals Marching Again—Issuing New Demand (May 1, 2007)
Flying Imams Revisited: Part of Greater Islamic Strategy? (April 30, 2007)
Lewiston School Plays Down Muslim Ham Incident (April 26, 2007)
Muslims Call Ham Hate Crime (April 24, 2007)
Democrat Leader Provides More Aid and Comfort to Terrorists (April 20, 2007)
Democrat Leaders Contravene US Policy, Continue to Meet with Terrorists (April 16, 2007)
Duke Students Finally Vindicated (April 14, 2007)
Minnesota College begins Islamization Makeover (April 13, 2007)
Democrat Shadow Party Wants Meetings with Iran (April 11, 2007)
Illegals Demand Blanket Amnesty and US Citizenship (April 8, 2007)
Nancy Pelosi Stumping for Terrorist Vote? (April 6, 2007)
Harry Reid to Defund Iraq War while US Military Academies Increase Islamic Training (April 4, 2007)
Congress Continues to Increase Support for Islamic Terrorists (March 30, 2007)
Iran Returns to Islamic Fallback Position: Taking Hostages (March 27, 2007)
President G. W. Bush: Only President Not Allowed to Fire US Attorneys (March 20, 2007)
CAIR Representing Flying Imams against Airline and Passengers (March 16, 2007)
Now Official: Mexico Running US Immigration Policy (March 15, 2007)
When Republican Attack: US Border Patrol Injustice (March 13, 2007)
Another US Government Attempt to Sell a Border Patrol Agent Down the River (February 20, 2007)
Democrats to Place US Troops in National Guard Border Position (February 18, 2007)
Democrats Set Stage for Defeat of US Troops (February 16, 2007)
New Muslim Outrage Materializes (February 11, 2007)
US Border Patrol Agents: Someone Might ‘Splain to Andrew McCarthy (February 9, 2007)
US Government Lied About Border Patrol Agents (February 7, 2007)
Clinton Beginning to Sound Like Hugo Chavez (February 3, 2007)
Border Enforcement Effectively Nonexistent (January 31, 2007)
John Kerry Still Suffering From Hoof in Mouth Disease (January 27, 2007)
Beirut Looking a Lot Like Paris (January 25, 2007)
Arizona Lawmaker Working with Mexican Drug Dealers and Coyotes (January 22, 2007)
Gen. Wesley Clark Joins Democrat Anti-Semitic Wing (January 21, 2007)
More Protests from Mexico, More Concessions to Muslims (January 19, 2007)
North Carolina Justice Hang ‘em High Then Try ‘em (January 17, 2007)
Nifong Kicks Self to Curb (January 13, 2007)
Michigan: The Islamic Capital of the US (January 12, 2007)
Archives for 2006 :
Nifong and Politically Inspired Justice in America (December 31, 2006)
Terminal Virus Spreads Through Senate (December 20, 2006)
Islamists and Pushing the Common Sense Envelope (December 4, 2006)
Is the Boston Globe Racist? (November 29, 2006)
Mainstream Media and Democrats: Terrorists New Best Friends (November 2, 2006)
Crusader Works to Change Massachusetts Politics (October 30, 2006)
CNN Leads Left in Rooting for Terrorists (October 24, 2006)
Oblivious to World Danger Democrats Play Politics (October 15, 2006)
Muslims Next Fight: The Right to Wear Ski Masks? (October 8, 2006)
Al Zawahiri and Democrats Joined at the Hip? (October 5, 2006)
Chavez and Ahmadinejad: A Study in Evil (September 22, 2006)
Muslims Gearing Up for Rioting-Phase II? (September 16, 2006)
Democrat Polit-Bureau Must Now Approve All Films (September 8, 2006)
Interview with MA Congressional Candidate Rick Barton (September 1, 2006)
Democrat Leaders ARE Unpatriotic (August 29, 2006)
Has the Time Come for Passenger Mutinies? (August 20, 2006)
UN Ceasefire Will Allow Terrorists to Rearm (August 13, 2006)
Islamics Balk at Terrorist Identifying Terms (August 11, 2006)
Only Terrorists Allowed to Wage War (July 31, 2006)
Media Begin Moves against Israel (July 25, 2006)
More Illegals in Illinois than California (July 20, 2006)
Israel: Proof that Appeasement Doesn’t Work (July 15, 2006)
Mexican Government Running US Immigration Policy-Part III (July 13, 2006)
NY Times and Jimmy Carter: The Pro-Terrorist Roster Grows (July 3, 2006)
Independence Day Tribute to US Troops (July 2, 2006)
Liberal Judges Fire another Bullet into US Anti-Terrorist Efforts (June 29, 2006)
Vernon Robinson: My New Conservative Hero (June 26, 2006)
NY Times Continues Terrorist Support (June 24, 2006)
Democrat Strategy of Retreat to Defeat not working (June 22, 2006)
What Sweeping Illegal Immigration Plan Has Worked? (June 21, 2006)
Democrats New Mantra: Winning Means Retreat (June 12, 2006)
Nifong: Destroying Lives to Further his Career? (June 9, 2006)
Mexican Government Running US Immigration Policy-Part II (June 5, 2006)
Will the US Become No More than an Enterprise Zone? (May 31, 2006)
Senate Immigration Bill Destroys Illegal Immigration Reform (May 26, 2006)
MEChA—the Mexican Nazi Movement (May 25, 2006)
Mexican Government Running US Immigration Policy-Part I (May 18, 2006)
Democrats, MSM and ACLU Continue to Dismantle Country (May 14, 2006)
Illegal Immigration and the Creation of a Permanent Underclass (May 8, 2006)
It’s All about La Raza—The Race (April 30, 2006)
Is it Bin Laden or Another Angry Democrat? (April 24, 2006)
The War against US Border Security (April 21, 2006)
Will Illegal Aliens Take America by Force? (April 10, 2006)
Does Amnesty Mean More Taxation without Representation? (April 8, 2006)
How About a Citizens’ Strike? (April 5, 2006)
It’s Not About Immigration (April 3, 2006)
No Borders-No Country (March 31, 2006)
The United States of Mexico (March 28, 2006)
Illegal Aliens Demand US Citizens’ Rights (March 26, 2006)
Democrats Still Bent on Destroying Country (March 22, 2006)
Will the Dems and Mainstream Media Win Their War Against Iraq? (March 20, 2006)
Colorado Officially Supports Anti-American Teachers (March 11, 2006)
Maybe Hollywood Really Is “In Touch” (March 10, 2006)
The Destruction of an American Generation (March 2, 2006)
Are Liberal Democrats Really Pro-Terrorist? (February 22, 2006)
San Francisco Needs to Leave the US (February 16, 2006)
Muslims Call for War...Didn’t They Already Do That? (February 12, 2006)
Barbarism vs. Civilization: The Final Conflict? (February 5, 2006)
Will California Become the First Official Communist State? (February 2, 2006)
Tired of War? Better Get Used To It (January 28, 2006)
Dem Mice Continue to Fight for Cheese and Other Odd Realities (January 27, 2006)
Leftist Hollywood Mouthpiece Belafonte Snarls Again (January 22, 2006)
Democrats and ACLU Use MLK Day to Trash Bush/Republicans (January 17, 2006)
Culture of Corruption High on Dems’ List (January 7, 2006)
ACLU Moving Further to the Left…If That’s Even Possible (January 3, 2006)
Send email feedback to Sher Zieve
Biography - Sher Zieve
Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.
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